Michael and I were up and out early on Monday morning (1/23), he dropped me off at DOLLAR TREE while he went on to the bird store and the pet store. I had to exchange some containers at the DOLLAR TREE and that was certainly an experience that is just too long to type out…but trust me….it was certainly interesting! On the way home I said to Michael ‘’that cashier was determined to be obstreperous’’…because I knew he would love it…and he did :~).
We were finally home by 10:30 to have breakfast and for him to do his morning stretches....of course the minute he starts, Cookie thinks it is time to play:

Then, when I try to film what she's doing, she knows it and stops and poses...instead of jumping all over him as she usually does:
I headed to the studio. I fired up XENA to continue working on my QoV and by 3 PM…it was done:

Michael came down in the afternoon to work on the OBW a bit more:

Sandy came by to pick up her 2 quilts in the late afternoon….and after that I got 2 more embroideries done before dinner:

I made baked flounder, with rice and onions and mushrooms and everything tasted really excellent.
While we were watching TV, I worked on reclaiming some gray backing fabric. It went from this:

to this:

This fabric has been languishing on my table because I didn’t know what I was going to do with it…once I got all of the stitching ripped out and got it detatched from the batting, I had no idea what sizes to cut it in....but remember this quilt:

It takes a lot of gray/white HST’s, so I will cut those out and work on them as leaders and enders.
I finished another library book: THE BODYGUARD by Katherine Center. It was a fast, fun read which you think is totally predictable, but has more twists and turns than a roller coaster! And speaking of predictable...Michael and I have been having a ''discussion'' about that word. Movie reviewers (and book reviewers too) seem to use it a lot, and they are using it in a negative conotation, while I have another interpretation. To me, instead of saying predictable...they could say SATISFYING! When you are watching a movie, or reading a book, and it turns out the way you think it is going to....don't you find it satisfying? Don't you feel the endings to the Hallmark movies are satisfying? Would you feel better if someone died?!?!?! Let me know what you think!
*** Diet Coke: making people feel better about ordering 2 Big Macs and large fry since 1982… ***
I find this discussion of "satisfying" and "predictable" to be neither!!!
Loved The Bodyguard and Katherine Center's other books. Not all predicatable books are satisfying... some you have no interest in continuing reading; others you can't put down even if you know how it is going to end. And yes, the ending is then indeed satisfying; you close the book with a sigh.
If you haven't read it yet, I recommend How to Walk Away. Better still, listen to the audiobook, which is narrated beautifully with a great deal of heart. The writing is luscious for a romance novel: "If you asked me before the crash, I'd have told you that feelings were like blocks of primary colors: You felt blue for awhile, then yellow, then red. But now I sa…
Satisfying is a great way to describe hallmark movie endings. We all know how they are gonna end and i do feel satisfied and all warm inside when its over. 🙂