I had more than my fair share of company Saturday morning (1/7) as I tried to read my emails:

Eventually everyone left and I could breathe again :~).
Michael left for golf at 8:30 AM, even though it was only 39 degrees out….brrrr!!! I made my way to the studio and spent the entire morning loading up my customer quilt…it is HUGE! I only got the back straightened and pinned on when it was time to head up to the Lake House for Distaff Day with some of my weaving group:

The distaff, or roc, used in spinning was the medieval symbol of women's work. In many European cultural traditions, women resumed their household work after the twelve days of Christmas. Women of all classes would spend their evenings spinning on the wheel. During the day, they would carry a drop spindle with them. Spinning was the only means of turning raw wool, cotton or flax into thread, which could then be woven into cloth.
I was home by 2:30 PM to greet my honey and hear about his score of 88, with TWO birdies!!! I got caught up on my emails, then had a long chat with a friend before getting back to my customer quilt. I finally got the quilt basted:

by the time we had salads for a late dinner. I knit while we watched TV in the evening.
Remember the 2 quilt labels I got stitched down the other night? These are my last 2 finishes for 2022, and they will be donated to the Lancaster Dialysis Unit:

*** If every day is a gift, then today was socks. ***
Love that you donate to so many good causes!
Your blog today was very educational...I never knew there was a Distaff Day or the history behind it!!