I got up at 6 AM on Monday (12/5)…there were just too many things running through my mind that I had to get done and I couldn’t sleep. My sweet honey brought me breakfast when he got up so that I wouldn't have to take any time out to make it:

I sent a quick message to my ortho knee doctor to request antibiotics since I have a dental procedure on Tuesday. Then I finished basting the second lavender quilt:

and got the program set up and kicked off:

It suddenly occurred to me that I need to have both quilts off of the frame by the time Janice arrives on Wednesday, since she is bringing a quilt to be done.
Paula has found 3 fun games for us to play at Scrap Happy on Thursday as it is our Christmas party….and she asked if I could come up with prizes….so that took a bit of time to pull together. Then I needed to pull together my own gift for the ‘’dirty Santa’’ gift exchange.
The quilting was finished up around 11 AM:

and I spent about an hour getting both quilts cleaned up and off of the frame:

I spent another half hour finishing up our Christmas letter for the year (done very early for once), before heading upstairs.
I got milk in the crockpot to ferment overnight into yoghurt and cleaned several shelves in the fridge before finally dipping peanut butter patties:

and made a start at getting the kitchen island and kitchen table cleaned off in order to do candy coated popcorn & peanuts tomorrow.
My honey got in 9 holes of golf in the afternoon (and came home with a 43 with a birdie), but came home wet and cold. We had leftover pizza for dinner and I spent a bit of time after that in the studio and finally got the border on a quilt I put together at retreat:

*** The first rule of the OCD club is to make a second rule so that there are an even number of rules! ***
*** You can’t set a Hallmark Christmas movie in the south! Unexpected snow isn’t magical down here….it’s terrifying and always leads to a fight at the Piggly Wiggly. ***
You have been one busy gal!!!
I want a p'nut butter patties!!!