What in the world is going on in this country? Honestly, I am just shaking my head almost every day...
Confirmed by teacher friends in Sarasota county, Florida…what a devastating way to start the year. They are trying to break us…but they must not know what we’re made of.
Yesterday teachers in Sarasota County were told:
*No purchases or donations of any kind of books or reading materials
*No Scholastic book orders for teachers
*No book fairs
*Parents can request alternative instructional materials for ANYTHING we teach
*If we want to read anything to our kids, we have to get it approved in advance
*Don’t give kids any gifts tied to reading
*Our amazing librarian can’t even do read alouds with our youngest students.
Is this what you want for your children? Only allowing them to view what’s in state approved textbooks?
Some counties in FL are only allowing textbooks to teach the standards. If a teacher wants to read a book to his/her students in our county, he/she must get it approved first.
This is how the Nazi's started...by banning books which did not fit their ideology.
I was up and out early Monday morning (8/22) for a lesson on my embroidery machine:
Norm from Himebaugh's...who I just adore...and before you ask...why YES....I DO have more than just this one t-shirt :~)

and I didn’t get home until 1:30 PM!!! I had a ton of emails to get through, then got my blog out before leaving for PT. I’m coming to the end of my PT experience….Bill thought I was doing remarkably well considering how I started (crying through each session due to mental depression!) I am grateful that it seems, unlike others, I never found PT to be painful.
I was home around 3:30 PM and Michael and I talked for a bit before reprising our hot dog dinner. He left for rehearsal at 6:30 and I knit while watching the first 3 episodes of GRANTCHESTER. This show is EXCELLENT and I was very worried that Leonard (who I love) would be written out of the show, but it seems like he has a bigger role than ever, for which I am very glad!
*** "Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you are aboard there is nothing you can do about it." - Golda Meir ***
*** A body like this doesn’t happen overnight….it takes pregnancy….some neglect….and extra slices of pizza. ***
What season of Grantchester are you watching