Michael and I were both up early on Tuesday (3/5), he needed to get to an early morning PT appointment, and I wanted to continue to quilt on Diane’s quilt. I have not used variegated thread in forever and it is so fun to watch it stitch out! My honey left for golf around NOON and I continued to quilt until dinnertime, when it was done:

Did I mention when Shelly & Chris were here, he mentioned a documentary about the making of the movie Galaxy Quest? We watched the documentary a couple of nights ago and it was awesome….only problem was….it made us want to watch the movie. So, Michael didn’t end up going to the movies with his buddy Larry as he usually does on Tuesday nights….so he made popcorn for us and we re-watched Galaxy Quest….it was great!
I picked up Gale at 10 AM on Wednesday (3/6) and we headed over to Amelie’s to check out some pastries for a future social event:

I didn’t know you could also eat there…but Gale’s daughter told her all about it, so we ended up having breakfast there before buying some pastries and heading out. We stopped at PUBLIX on the way home….Amelie’s pastries are wonderful, but they are VERY pricey, and Gale thought maybe I could pick up some additional ideas at PUBLIX, and she was right! Maybe I can mix things from the 2 stores.
We headed home after that and I SKYPE-d with Janice in the early afternoon. I spent the time after that getting Diane’s quilt basting all ripped out and the ends all woven:

then did a tutorial for the QoV 4 patches we are doing at Scrap Happy:

Thursday (3/7) was all about quilting….it was our pot luck luncheon….so I hopped up to put together my reuben-wich (like a reuben sandwich only the bread is braided around the fillings):

and Michael packed the car with all of my quilting stuff and I headed off.
Our quilters voted last week and agreed to put together some QoV 4 patches as a starting to getting some quilts to give out at our Veteran's luncheon in November. We want the patches by May 30th, but people have already jumped on the bandwagon and started turning them in!!!
We had great show & tell:

and an incredible lunch and I got home around 2 PM.
The day was so beautiful, I sat out on the lanair for several hours…enjoying the weather and the sky and the chimes and my furry babies:

until finally enjoying dinner with my honey.
You know, Loree has been so inspiring these past couple of months....each Thursday she brings in stuff for the ''free table'' as she is cleaning out her house room by room. Between her inspiration, and a little blurb I read the other day....I've started a bit myself. My clothes closet is an absolute disaster and has been for some time.....it feels overwhelming to do anything about it, because it would take hours and hours to make it as it should be. BUT, I read a little blurb that said you don't have to do everything at once....you can do things 5 minutes at a time...and that definitely struck a chord with me. So, I put an empty chewy box on the fainting couch in the bedroom:

and every morning I try on 2 to 3 things before I get dressed. If they are too small (and that's usually the case), or something I haven't worn in forever, into the laudry they go, to be washed and dried and folded into the box. I've only been doing it for about a week and the box is already half full!!! I was looking for hangers to hang up some of my quilt tops last week....and had a bunch in my Amazon cart...when I said to myself ''get rid of the clothes you're not wearing and you'll have all of the hangers you need!!'' That contributed to my cleaning out...and it is working really well.
*** The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language is priceless.
Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a decision. The road is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.
When I get a headache I take two aspirin and keep away from children just like the bottle says. ***
Cute kitty under the quilt!
OMG! All of the pastries, the Reuben-wich, and the quilts look fantastic! Great idea for decluttering.
I need to take up your closet cleaning idea