Current US COVID related deaths: 919,350
US COVID deaths as ofyesterday: 913,960
Another HUGE jump :~(
So, I keep forgetting that I usually post my yearly missive here in the blog, for those that we don't exchange Christmas cards with......(a little late but) here's the summation of our lives in 2021!
January – well…with COVID still on the rampage, we skipped our New Year’s Day brunch. It seems like January was filled with a lot of moaning on my part about the pain in my shoulder, and a lot of golfing on Michael’s part. We spent a wonderful 4 days visiting with Janice & Dennis in Ocean Isle Beach. Of course the real low point was the January 6th attack on the Capitol, and the high point was the inauguration of Joe Biden.
The high point in February for me was a visit from Janice…and the high point for Michael was being able to golf all throughout the month! That NEVER happened in Connecticut :~).
The scariest thing in March was Michael’s unexpected trip in an ambulance to the emergency room. His doctor had prescribed a new medication the previous week, which ended up dropping his potassium to a dangerous level which affected his heart. It was an overnight stay in the hospital…with 3 separate doses of extra potassium, before he headed home.
April started with a lovely visit to Janice’s house. And I got to re-connect with an old friend, Mary Lee, who has moved from Salem MA to North Carolina. My neighbor Kay had shoulder replacement surgery, so I watched carefully to see how her recovery was going. The high point of the month occurred at the end…when Mary Jo arrived for a visit.
We had our QUAP quilting retreat in May this year; Janice and I spent a delightful week with 6 other ladies in Tennessee. My honey had his annual golf trip to Pinehurst with 11 other guys, and got a HOLE IN ONE (his fourth!) !!!!! And, it was also the 10 year anniversary of my blog. My blog is really a diary of sorts for me…but I am very grateful that it keeps me connected to friends as well.
My weekly Thursday quilting group started meeting again in June, after suspending meetings in February of 2020 due to COVID. I got to go to 1 meeting before having shoulder replacement surgery the following week. But, just before my surgery I managed to squeeze in a visit with BG…she and Steven were staying at a local campsite for a week. AND, because we visited with them at the campsite, I got to give one of my Quilts of Valor (QoV) to a 97 year old WWII vet!!! And in other QoV news….I managed to stalk another veteran while I was doing PT for my shoulder, and got to give away yet another quilt!
Michael hit 9-in-a-row for his birdie streak in July…definitely a record! The rest of the month was pretty much all about me, still recovering and going to PT for my shoulder.
It was a totally typical month of August for this retired couple…lots of golfing…lots of quilting…and lots of keeping up with friends.
September was notable for 2 main events….Inez came to visit and so our BAKING WITH INEZ TOUR recommenced (Mississippi Mud Cake, 2 different recipes for ginger cookies, popovers, Killer Pecan Sticky Buns and Texas Sheet Cake) after being COVID cancelled in 2020, and Michael got to visit his granddaughter Audrey, after not seeing her for 2 years! Michael also tried out for a play (first time in over 1-1/2 years) and got cast as Fred in EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW, I LEARNED IN KINDERGARDEN.
One highlight of October was getting to see Randy Rainbow in person, with his pink glasses tour. If you haven’t seen him, you need to check him out on YOUTUBE. And once again, I got to attend the Fiber Floozie quilting retreat later in the month. It was our 12th annual retreat and I continue to remain humbled and grateful that I have friends willing to travel for 7 – 8 hours to maintain our relationships.
November was filled with rehearsals for Michael until opening night for EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW, I LEARNED IN KINDERGARDEN. It was wonderful for him to be on stage again….to several sold out performances. We also had a new ‘’addition to the family’’…..when my 21 year old embroidery machine finally died, I got a new one :~).
December is busy as always, with food and fun and get togethers … may 2022 finally be the year we get back to a bit more normal.
My honey made me an egg/cheese/toast for breakfast on Wednesday (2/2) before leaving for a 10:30 tee off time. I SKYPE’d with Janice Wednesday morning and we went over more details of our projects for QUAP!!! I got my blog out after I finished and by then it was 11:30 and I went back to cleaning up the basement :~).
I decided to move my bolts to my new shelves:

which gave me a chance to sort my bolt stash into QoV:


and all other:

I certainly see that I'd better get busy with the ''all other'' stuff!! I want to reserve the front shelves for pre-cuts and fabric I have bundled together for specific projects, so as I run across those in the clean up, they now have a specific place to go:

After that I had cleaned off enough space on the pool table, that I could roll out and cut my batting for my customer quilt:

I thought I had it easy…forgetting that I had no idea where my measuring tools were….or my marking tools….or my shears! But eventually, I found everything and the batting was cut:

My honey got home after 4 PM with an 87 and joined me in the basement to work on his emails before dinner.
Our contractor called at 5 PM to say they wouldn’t be coming Thursday to set up the pool table….I was SO RELIEVED!!!!!! I didn’t get everything cleared away…and I am tired!
Here's the before:

and here's the after:

So, this way I’ll have at least a week to continue to work on stuff…and knowing they are not coming means that my first priority when I have time will be setting up my sewing table :~).
*** Don’t blame the holidays… were fat in August! ***