I was tossing and turning in the wee hours of Friday morning (10/7)…I just couldn’t get past the thought of what a nightmare it will be to quilt that QoV….so I decided that’s not what I’m going to do! Instead, I’m going to rip out my basting and take the quilt off of the frame and put 12 ‘’tucks’’ in….3 per side…on the outer border to try to gather up that excess fabric. If I stitch down the tucks with matching thread, once it is quilted you should not be able to tell that I did a thing….wish me luck! It doesn’t totally solve the problem as there is an inner border that it also too large…but it’s the best I can do without taking the entire quilt borders apart....and that's not going to happen. I'd rather make a whole new quilt from scratch!
I headed out just before 9 AM to get my hair done…and was home after 11 AM, after a quick stop at the tire place. Of course since we are leaving on Sunday on an 8 hour road trip, our tire pressure decides to act up. Michael will take our compressor with us on the trip, just in case. I just had time to get through a few emails before leaving for my massage. I had a wonderful massage, and again was home for about 20 minutes before it was time to take Cookie to the vet’s. She’s been having another bout of diarrhea and we definitely wanted to get it checked out before we leave. Once home from dropping her off, I started to rip out the basting on the quilt. After it was free, just for fun I measured the quilt and the border on the short side…and the border was 2-3/4 inches larger than the quilt :~(. I didn’t measure the long side because frankly…I don’t even want to know. This quilt is going to take a LOT longer to get done than I had anticipated/hoped. I think what is bumming me out the most is that I was very excited and happy to volunteer to do these quilts for Scrap Happy, and was willing to push myself to get them done relatively quickly….and now all of my motivation has died. I’ve gotta figure out how to psyche myself up again. By then it was dinnertime and Michael and I had a quick chicken dinner before picking up Cookie from the vet’s (we are going to try yet another food to try to make it easier on her tummy) …and then getting picked up ourselves to head to Charlotte for EVIL DEAD at Actor’s Theatre. Carol and Ed picked us up and after driving around for 45 minutes at the end…we finally found the outdoor theatre:

We almost gave up at several points, but we were all glad we didn’t…EVIL DEAD is about 5 students on college break, going to a creepy cabin in the woods. It was so campy and funny and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves:

And seeing it in an ourdoor venue made it even better….the night was gorgeous.
We were home just before 11 PM and read for a bit before bed.
*** It’s finally October!!! Which means all of the cobwebs and dust in my house just became Halloween decorations. ***
*** All of my passwords are protected by amnesia! ***
I was going to suggest yesterday that you take off the border and shorten it, but then I saw the same thing you did, that the inner border is too big too.