Current US COVID related deaths: 997,933
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 997,845
Sunday (3/20) was a terrific day…except for a short time in the kitchen, I spent all day in my studio! I came upstairs at 11:30 for the vernal equinox (when the day and the night are of equal length), and instead of taking pictures of me trying to balance an egg (which I did when Inez was here), I had Michael film it:
Totally cool!
Another customer swung by just after that to drop off a quilt, and then I headed back to continue quilting. Juanita’s quilt was done by 3 PM:

And I got it off of the frame and got the basting ripped out and the bobbin ends woven in.
I spent some time after that in my fabric closet and found a green and a yellow for my newest quilt:

Michael and I decided Sunday was date night, so he made popcorn and we watched WHAT A WAY TO GO…an oldy but goody!
I forgot to post these pics…I finished my potato chip quilt at quilting on Thursday (I think it's a decent design for a 2 color quilt....I'll have to look for more of 2 fabrics that go together):

and made the binding as well:

I’ve gotta get some of my own quilts bound as my binding drawer is getting full!
*** After all of the eating I've done this winter, I'm happy to report that my flip-flops still fit! ***
I love how the covid death rate has gone down. Thank you for keeping track.