Current US COVID related deaths: 845,745
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 844,272
Thursday morning (12/30) was very gloomy, but still warm, so we spent a bit of time out on the lanair. Then it was back to the Bento Blocks – warm colors….to weave in ends and stitch down the label so that it was totally finished:

After that I grabbed my last Beds=Dreams quilt for the year and started to put the binding on that:

This quilt is much, much larger than the two I just completed….so it took a long time to get the binding on the first side. I headed downstairs to iron the binding out, then back upstairs, determined to finish this binding in one day. And by dinnertime I was just finishing up:

We had leftover pizza for dinner and while Michael watched one of his movies, I started cutting for my project box:

which is very empty! I've gotta pull stuff together....I have nothing for quilting for next week...and QUAP is coming up fast in February.
*** Old age used to be all in my head….now it’s in my joints too! ***
I think the warm color bento is my favorite so far... You finished 2021 with a flourish!!!