Thank you to whomever dropped off apples at my house a couple of days ago…by the time Michael made it upstairs, you were already gone around the corner….who was it?!!?
Friday morning (9/8) we had a handyman over to hang up a bike rack for Michael’s bike. Both of our bikes are together in the garage, and with the golf cart parked beside them, it is sometimes very tight to get my bike out in the morning. Now Michael’s is out of the way:

After that I made my way downstairs and finally got Diane’s Christmas Tree Skirt basted:

Actually, Diane and Mark stopped by for a quick visit in the afternoon…they are planning to hit the Waxhaw Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning, and offered to pick up anything I needed. So, they stopped by to pick up 3 pairs of scissors that I am hoping to get sharpened.
After they left, Michael and I got our showers and got dressed and greeted our first dog sitter of the night….Kay…before leaving for the Knight Theatre in Charlotte. On the way into the theatre...they had the GHOSTBUSTERS mobile on a side street!!

Michael and I are both fans of Colin Mochrie, an IMPROV comedian, and he was doing something totally unique:

He and a hypnotist invited 20 audience members up on stage:

The hypnotist put people through their paces, and picked the top 5 hypnotized people to then participate in IMPROV with Colin…while hypnotized. I had no idea what this would be like when we bought the tickets, but it turned out to be a real hoot! We had a wonderful time, and were home by 10 PM to greet our second dog sitter….Anne….who will be packing up and leaving for Florida next week :~(.
She said Freya had been good as gold, and was also using her new space. When Michael and I settle into the TV room in the evening, we have a LAZY BOY love seat that we sit on and generally put our feet up. Freya has decided that she likes to lie under our foot rests, which is a definite problem because we are forever getting up….to get a drink….to pee…to get a snack…to grab our KINDLE to look something up….you get the idea. So, we always have to lower our legs slowly and coax Freya out from under so that we can do those things….multiple times during the evening. Since she seemed to like being under things, we carried up a table from the basement, added it to the TV room, and put Freya’s bed under it:

Anne said she stayed there the entire night!
*** MMR – Michael’s Movie Reviews ***
Retribution…stars Liam Neeson. It’s not your typical Liam movie but it’s pretty close! This time he is being framed for murder and bombing and stealing $200 million! He has to figure out who’s doing all this to him and his family while driving with a bomb set to go off under his car seat! Yes, he sits down the entire movie! The tension is palpable as he tries to unravel who is giving him orders while the police chase him all over the city convinced he is behind this crime spree. There’s a really good twist at the end and a miraculous escape (naturally) by our hero. Really, that’s not a spoiler, c’mon!
4/5 fat quarters
*** I’ve been watching my weight…..yep, it’s still there. ***
Another wonderful surprise by my honey! The show was hysterical and hypnotizing!!