Current US COVID related deaths: 842,161
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 839,605
The US has hit a new record average of daily Covid-19 cases, with 254,496 new cases reported in the last week as of yesterday. That shatters a previous record from all the way back in January.
Tuesday (12/28) was a productive and fun day. Michael left at 8 AM for a routine dermatology appointment, and after getting done with some chores, I spent time setting up my machine in the kitchen and settled in to put the binding on my ‘’X marks the spot’’ quilt:

Of course I had company while I was doing it:

I got the first side done and was downstairs getting my blog out and ironing out the binding when I got a text from Linda. She stopped by to visit (and to try out the coffee cake):

and we had a really nice time, sitting and talking…for a L_O_N_G time! And yes....that is a black eye you are seeing....she had surgery on her eyelids and is slowly recovering. It was nice to take a break from sewing, but eventually she left and I got started on the right side of the quilt:

I finished up the stitching just as Connie arrived for our crab cake dinner (and to snag a bag of goodies!):

Michael had already bought his soup/crab cake and left for the movies…and Connie and I both got sandwiches and talked and talked and talked!!! I don’t think she left until 8 PM…and I didn’t do another thing except read my book for the rest of the night.
PS - Debbie D....did you get my email about a week ago? Do I have the right email address?
*** Until you’re retired, you’ll never know just how much you can get done in your pajamas. (Although, with COVID and the work-from-home for the past year, I’m not sure anyone has waited for retirement). ***