Friday morning (10/6) we went on a hunt for the new BISCUITVILLE restaurant in Indian Land (it's in the Lowe's parking lot on 521 for those who don't know):

Of course, this was after my honey tried to do his normal morning stretches….which these days, look like this:
Our breakfast was yummy, and before it arrived I had a great time watching the biscuits being made:
When we got home, Michael and Freya went for a walk and I headed to the studio to continue quilting. While that was happening, I finally got the outer border on the strip twist that’s been hanging around forever:

So, it’s ready to be quilted someday….Donna, this is your fabric! And I got binding made:

And I got the first border on what I am going to call ‘’stair steps’’:

I was originally only going to do a very skinny green border on this quilt…but that would have made the outer border way too wide (to hit the quilt size I want), so I decided to go with the same width as the stripes.
Michael and I had ‘mater sammiches for dinner, with lovely sliced garden tomatoes that Loree sent home with me from quilting….they were excellent!!!
And this is called détente…..out on the lanair:

Why, Why, Why do we press harder on the remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?
looks like the kitties are accepting Freya.
Strip twist looks like a woven blanket ! A nice 2 color quilt.