I had a morning appointment for PT on Monday (8/29) and I have graduated!!!!!! I plan to stop in on Sep 28th when I have my follow-up appointment with the surgeon, just to get a check on the degree of bending, but other than that…I am FREE!!! Both of my therapists agreed that I have come a LONG way since those first appointments. I never thought I would get here. When I am just walking, I can't tell that I've had a knee replacement. I still have a bit of pain doing the steps and sometimes rolling over in bed, but that will come in time. I go up and down our steps multiple times a day...stepping one-two, one-two...instead of one-one-one as I used to. I am still amazed on the way down the steps, how flexible my knee is.
I had breakfast and read my library book when I got home, but finally managed to rouse myself at NOON, and I headed downstairs to get some work done :~).
I kicked off XENA and got the final 2 rows done on the customer quilt:

then spent the rest of the afternoon working on Blue….the bottom half is all sewn together:

Lucy was sacked out all afternoon with me:

Michael made tortellini for dinner before leaving for rehearsal, and I spent the evening watching ENDEVOUR and knitting.
So….reading…quilting….piecing….knitting…sounds like a perfect day in retirement to me :~).
*** Old age in a nutshell:
-who care if it looks good? I’m comfortable.
-has anyone seen my phone?
-the scale…that cannot be right!
-did I already take my vitamins?
-huh? I wonder how I got this bruise…
-5 bucks for a box of cereal? The raised the price and shrunk the box…such a racket!
-software update again? I don’t like updates.
-who in the world is calling me at 9:30 PM?
-wait! What did I come in here for?
-I could’ve sworn that was my password! ***
Woo Hoo! Congratulations on graduating from PT! It sounds like you have certainly progressed from your first appointments. I am so glad to hear you are finally doing everyday things without excruciating pain. I love your 'Old Age in a Nutshell'!
Love you Old age in a nutshell. Me all over.