“Alan Turing (the father of computers) ended his own life on June 7, 1954. He bit into an apple laced with cyanide and ate a bite of it. He did it because the British government chemically castrated him, humiliated him, and prosecuted him for being gay. For that reason there is a bitten apple in the Apple logo... In honor of Alan Turing. He invented computer science and using his early designs cracked the Enigma code - the encrypted machine that the Nazis and the German Army used to communicate secret commands to each other during world war II - thereby saving millions of human lives and bringing us to the modern computer age. Pride month isn't just about dancing on floats in gold shorts and waving a rainbow flag. It is about remembering that everyone has the right to be happy, to love who they want to love and to recognize the outstanding contribution that everyone can make in a society free of fear or prejudice.”
I got regular sandwich bread made Friday morning (9/2):

and Michael took half of a warm loaf to the host of his meeting at lunchtime….can’t wait to hear the reaction.
My quilting customer came to pick up her quilt, so Mary Jo and Paula, here are close ups of the quilt:

I spent the afternoon working on my blue ‘’leftovers’’ and finally have this:

It’s very skinny and wide…I’m pretty sure I have 4 more leftover HST’s, so I could at least add one more row, providing I can piece together some white background.
I made my favorite chicken sausage stir fry for dinner, and thought I’d do a tutorial.
-I love this chicken sausage from ALDI

-I like to have everything chopped and ready to go.....why yes...that is a glass of wine for me to enjoy while I'm cooking :~)

-heat a skillet and add 2 tbsp olive oil until shimmering. then toss in your onions

-get a good brown on your onions before tossing in your mushrooms

-sometimes I add both yellow squash and zucchini, sometimes just zucchini...whatever I have

-finally I add in the diced up sausage...it is fully cooked, so I'm just getting a little brown on it

-a can of diced tomatoes

-stir it all around and let it simmer for 5 minutes

-throw in a couple handfulls of spinach and cover the pan to let it wilt

-you can serve this over any kind of cooked pasta, or for a keto meal, serve it over shredded cabbage

-I LOVE to serve this with feta, but we were out, so I just pulled out whatever was in our cheese drawer

We were both kind of beat after dinner, so I didn’t even pull out my knitting while we vegged and watched TV.
*** Something from our childhood that could be retro-fitted to our age today: an old-fashioned candy necklace….but with Tums and Ibuprofen. ***
GreaT quote , where did you find it?
That customer quilt is SO adorable!
Thank Mary Jo and Paula for requesting to see the customer quilt, all the designs are so cute