We were all up early on Friday (12/8) to get breakfast out of the way…and last minute things done for the tea. Michael took the fur babies down to the basement, and Dennis made himself scarce with errands and everyone started to arrive at NOON:

-Susie & Pam


-Rosalie & Pam

-Connie & Karen

-Diane & Sandy

-Gale & Sue


-Pat & Janice


-Ginny & Nancy

-Sandy & Laura

-Loree & Diane

The food was terrific (as always):

and if the noise level was any indication, everyone had a good time…..and some didn’t leave until almost 3!!!!!!!
Janice and I cleaned up and kicked off the dishwasher, and then collapsed as we were pooped. We had leftover soup for dinner and unfortunately, we didn’t get to attend the IT”S A WONDERFUL LIFE play reading as we were scheduled to do…one of the actors was sick and so the performance was cancelled. So, we sat around the kitchen table playing the I'M A POET game…and then LINKE….and then I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT, with Freya snug in her bed:

until it was time for our beds :~).
The guys left for golf on Saturday (12/10) and although Janice and I had thought we were going to quilt all day….we did not! We sat around talking and reading and getting caught up on our tablets and just had a thoroughly relaxing day :~).
When the guys came home, we all got cleaned up and met Mark & Diane:

at Hickory Tavern for dinner, before coming home to play TELESTRATIONS:

Three nights in a row of game playing…heaven!
And more Christmas prettiness....a beautiful, needlepoint ornament…finished by Leila:

*** It's 1967, HOLLYWOOD SQUARES is on…I'm 9 years old. My mom and dad are roaring with laughter and I don't understand what's so funny.
Q. As you grow older, do you tend to gesture more or less with your hands while talking?
A. Rose Marie: You ask me one more growing old question Peter, and I'll give you a gesture you'll never forget.
Q. In bowling, what's a perfect score?
A. Rose Marie: Ralph, the pin boy. ***
Such a lovely day filled with delicious food & good fellowship.…Oh & let’s don’t forget the “Naughty Tea!”
Your tea looked like a success. Wish I had been there for all the fellowship. Looks like Freya needs a new bed. Love your Hollywood squares notes. I remember those shows and sometimes couldn't figure out what was so funny.
The food looks fabulous and so very yummy! You and Janice looked very cute too! Love the Freya pic! Leila's snowman ornament is beautiful.