Reading a book with a gay character will not make you gay anymore than reading a book about Einstein will make you a genius! If you’re afraid that books might change someone’s thinking, you’re not afraid of books…you’re afraid of thinking!
Tuesday morning (10/18) was all about getting my customer quilt loaded and basted, but I only got the backing loaded before having a very late breakfast (thanks sweetie!!) and heading out to the Fiber Nutz meeting at Rosalie’s house:





-and Pam, with her every present spinning wheel:
We had some excellent show and tell:
-this quilt was so adorable and so creative!!

-as was this one. Melanie did not have a pattern...she just pulled out her scraps and started cutting ''monsters''

-this is Rosalie's...she wove the fabric then cut it to make this jacket

and Connie and I got to see much more quilting show and tell after our meeting.
We have a quilting club here in SCCL (actually, I helped start it way back in 2007, and at the time, had to defend why we needed a quilting club separate from the sewing club) and their annual quilt show was set up in the Lake House. There are some VERY TALENTED PEOPLE in the club and there were lots of beautiful quilts:

-this is Paula's challenge adorable....

-Janice....check out this wave

-isn't this stunning!

I got home after 5 PM and after spending some time with my honey, he headed upstairs to heat up a reprise of our butternut squash/ravioli dinner, while I finished up cutting my HST’s for the Arizona Mary cool colors quilt. I got a text from AZ Mary and she said she finished reading REMARKABLY BRIGHT CREATURES and really liked it….don’t forget about this book….it was a wonderful, feel-good book!
My honey and I played a new game called MAN BITES DOG before settling in with an episode of THE GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW.
*** Hugh Hefner became a multi-millionaire just by staying home in his jammies…..I’m not having the same result. ***
WOW, the quilt show was fabulous!! I would feel rather intimidated if I lived in SCCL...