I put together another jam/cheese log Monday night, and after I got it baked Tuesday morning (7/4):

we headed down to Paula’s for a brunch:
and parade watching:
When that was over, we headed back home and picked up Cookie and took off on a long golf cart ride…the breeze was lovely as it was stifling hot while watching the parade.
When we got home, I got my ingredients set out for a chocolate bundt cake, and left them to warm up while I got my blog out. After that I made the cake, and put together some apple slaw (both new recipes and both pronounced keepers by the consumers :~) and read and loved on Cookie until it was time to head over to Kay & Pete’s.
They put out a spread (with our slaw and bundt cake as part of it):

and we enjoyed every bite as well as the couple of hours of talking after dinner. We were home by 8 PM and watched PBS RIDLEY, while loving on Cookie a bit more.
*** I never finish anything….I have a black belt in Partial Arts. ***