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Foust, dog quilt, SHQ with Susie

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

I was up at 6 AM on Wednesday (8/9) to make a breakfast sandwich for my honey so that he could tee off at 7 AM. Darlene showed up at 8 AM and we picked up Pat and Joyce:

and headed off to FOUST for the semi-annual sale. We had a good time and saved lots of $$$:

We were home by NOON and I did intake on another customer quilt, finally had some breakfast (!) and by then my honey was home from a brutal 18 holes of golf (too hot!), but his team came in second place….so he was happy about that. I headed to the studio, set up the program, wound some bobbins and kicked off quilting on the dog quilt:

I worked on it until dinnertime….and the quilting was done:

I spent a bit of time pulling together a project for retreat (coming up the end of September) before having leftover tomato pie for dinner.


Thursday (8/10) was all about quilting. Our resident quilt judge, Susie:

did a wonderful presentation on what quilt judges look for in a quilt. Not that we’re all going to enter a quilt show, but we all want to improve and make better looking quilts and all of the tips she gave us will help with that. In addition, she brought in many of her own quilts (most of which were pieced and quilted by hand) and each one was truly a masterpiece and a lesson in piecing/quilting excellence:

-this is an antique quilt from the early 1930's that Susie's mother-in-law picked up at a flea market or Salvation Army/Goodwill for 5 bucks!

-check out that border!!!

-Susie showed us this as an example of a border that was too narrow...but that was all of the fabric that she had left....

-each square in those 9 patches one quarter of an inch square!!!!!!

-her example of an Amish style quilt...hand quilted of course:

No one wanted to follow with their own show and tell after that, but eventually we overcame our reluctance, since Susie taught us that we should appreciate all kinds of quilts and all levels of quilting:

-June's One Block Wonder....looking totally different than the first layout...with those 2 beautiful swirls

Diane and I headed into Lancaster afterwards and dropped off 3 quilts for dialysis (the 3 chandelier quilts I showed recently) and then headed over to the main library. I saw this in the lobby and sent a picture to Mary Lee....but Inez....I think you too should take up knitting:

I took out a bunch of books (so don’t look for me to accomplish anything over the next week or so :~), and was finally home by 3:30, just in time to say hello to my honey, and SKYPE with BG at 4 PM. She is coming for a visit next April!!!!!!!

Our neighbor Kay stopped by after that...she wants to plan a dinner to welcome our newest neighbor, so we talked for over an hour about that and other things (and Ethel would not leave her'd think she NEVER gets any love!!!):

before she left.

Michael and I had fish from ARBY’s for dinner, and then I watched a movie downstairs and pulled together some fabric I want to talk to you about, while Michael was watching his favorite shows upstairs.

So, I am still working on pulling together projects for the Fiber Floozies retreat at the end of September. I want to make this pattern:

and I want to use one of my jelly rolls (note to Laura…I’m trying!!!), but I want to replace the white squares in the pattern with some patterned yardage that I have. I came up with 2 potentials and I would like your opinion on how well the ‘’yardage’’ goes with the jelly rolls I have. I started with these jelly rolls:

and then just kept dragging out stacks of fabric I own, and placing it next to the jelly rolls. I think I have 2 potentials, but what do you think? I think this goes really well together:

and this one is just OK:

Do you like either of the combinations? Please let me know.

*** Them: You need to listen to your body more.

Body: You’re old and you want pizza. ***

*** When a man says he’ll do anything for a woman…he means fight bad guys or slay dragons…not vacuum or wash dishes. ***




I like the first set of fabrics. The second is pretty but the abstract design with the batiks just doesn't work for me. What's the free pattern in the jelly roll?


Diane Johnston
Diane Johnston

I vote for the Laurel Burch kitty print and it will go with your bag!

Susie's show and talk was wonderful. I can't believe she made the cotton ball quilt from just a picture in a magazine. It was stunning, such a talent!!!

I guess I'll need to bring catnip next time to try and compete with all the interesting women in Ethel's life.



I just love my puppy quilt with the dog paws pantograph. Thank you, Deb!



I like the first combo with the kitties! Great pattern for a jellyroll!



I like the first fabric combination with the kitties. I would love to hear some of the quilting tips.

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