When we got up Wednesday morning (9/14), it was 60 degrees outside….SIX-OH…WHOO HOO!!!!
Michael had breakfast before leaving for golf, and I sat out on the lanair with a quilt, reveling in the temperature :~). Eventually I made my way downstairs to get back to quilting, only to get an error indicating that my pattern could not be opened!! I posted the problem on FB, but so far have not gotten any responses. This has never happened before :~(. I ended up setting up my entire pattern again, and I got one pass done:

before it was time to leave for Triple A. I finalized the plans for our secret vacation….we will be on vacation from October 9th – 13th….a friend will be living here to take care of our animals….I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!!
After Triple A, I did something I’m not sure I have ever done….I took myself out to lunch! I was so enamored of Janice’s Thai red curry the other day, I just had to get an order for myself (it was number 8):

It was HEAVEN!!! I think Janice and I will have to go there every time she comes to visit.
When I got home, I read my library book until my honey got home from golf (with I think an 88). After talking for awhile, I headed to the studio to get a bit more quilting done, and to cut additional background strips for the Arizona Mary quilt.
Joe (our next door neighbor) brought us some yummy looking tomatoes from his beach farmer’s market, so we had French bread pizzas for dinner.
-I like the French bread from ALDI's becasue it is not as thick as most, so much less ''bready''....and I slice a piece in half length-wise, and then spread pesto on it

-I thick cut Joe's tomatoes and layered them on

-slices of mozarella work better (they don't tend to fall off), but sometimes ya just have to use what you have

-15 - 20 minutes in the toaster oven at 350 degrees , and a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar and voila:

I forgot to post this picture the other day....when Michael and Cookie go walking, they frequently stop for a bit and sit on a bench at one of the scenic outlooks in SCCL:

And isn't this an adorable picture of Mary Lee's new kitties (Nolan on the left and Clemmie on the right):

*** "The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for." - Will Rogers ***
*** "Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes, age just shows up all by itself." - Tom Wilson ***
To all who follow my golf scores…. It was an 85!