We were up early on Friday (2/10); Michael had routine blood work first thing, then hit the grocery store and the library on the way home. I spent the morning pulling his birthday cakes together:

then left them to cool while I spent a bit more time on Leila’s quilt….I have to have it off of the frame by tomorrow morning, as Pat is coming by to load up one of hers.
I was up and down during the day…got frosting made, but the cake was in and out of fridge to get frosting between layers set, and then the crumb coat, but finally it was done:

I headed downstairs at 4 PM and finished up the last 2 rows on Leila’s quilt, and got the ends sewn in and the basting ripped out and unpinned it from my leaders:

I can trim it tomorrow when Pat is here.
We had leftover pizza for dinner, and then a small celebration with Michael’s main golfing buddies:

-Mike Tiller & Michael

-Gale & Phil

-Ann Mary & Jim

-Dennis & Sue

We spent a pleasant couple of hours, eating and talking and everyone left around 9 PM.
*** I just saw on the news that they’re suggesting that people check up on the elderly….I’m usually up by 7 or 7:30….bring donuts! ***
Loved my cake and loved my party! Love you!
CAKE!!! Deb, that quilting pattern is perfect just as you thought it would be! I'm so excited to see it! Squeee!
Happy Birthday Michael. Enjoy your day!