7/14/20222 – WOW – back in front of my computer again at 1 PM in the afternoon…almost 3 weeks to the day after my knee replacement surgery. This has been, without a doubt, the worst recovery from a joint replacement that I have had….and without Janice for the first 5 days…and my honey for the remaining 2+ weeks…I truly would not have made it. My honey has been my lifeline….with NEVER a complaint…even when being awakened for the second time in as many hours overnight to take the dog out....put more ice bags on my legs...or get me whatever else I needed. I expected to feel agonizing pain…and I definitely did….I had hoped to feel that way for about a week, and then thought maybe the ‘’edge’’ of the pain would have backed off…that turned out to be a forlorn hope, and the agonizing pain lasted a full 11 days. There was a lot of depression associated with this. The pain pills took it down a notch or 2, but certainly didn’t come anywhere close to eliminating it. I began to believe I would never get better. The pain is definitely better now, but I am in the ‘’will never be able to walk without a walker’’ phase now. Before the surgery, I had guessed that I would not be able to attend quilting for 3 weeks….and that is turning out to be true…next week will be week number 4, and I think I would be ready to return to quilting, however I have a doctor’s follow-up appointment in Charlotte next Thursday morning, so am not sure I will be back in time. Yesterday at PT, I hit the first ‘’holy grail’’ marker of knee replacement, and that is a 90 degree bend of the knee. I was feeling good about that, until my friend Pat told me that eventually they will want 120 degrees….YIKES!!! But for now, I am happy to be in my basement and working on a blog entry. A couple of neat things happened over the past 3 weeks….so here’s a random sharing of those.
Most of you might recognize these panels (hanging here beside the pool table):

they’ve been hanging on our basement wall for quilt awhile. When we had the basement floor and walls refinished in January, they were rolled up and put into a basket. Michael wanted a bit more wall space for his theatre posters, so he started to use the wall where they were hanging. We talked about just keeping one or 2 of them…or hanging them in the guest bedroom, but nothing felt quite right. I was in the Del Webb library checking out a book about 6 weeks ago, when I glanced over and noticed a huge, empty wall in front of the kid’s computers….and I wondered how the panels would look there. I had a picture on my phone, and texted it to Miss Donna (one of the librarians) and asked her what she thought…and after a little negotiation….voila:

So now, I have quilts hanging in the Del Webb branch of the library, and in the main library in Lancaster:

….SCORE!!! They really look great and I couldn’t be happier about how it all worked out….I’ve already heard a lot of nice comments about how much people like them.
Janice has been working with her 1-1/2’’ squares, and put together this gorgeous top:

My honey had a visit with the kids not that long ago, and I’m not sure I ever posted the ‘’3 generations’’ picture:

And in the meantime, he’s done a few new cards….a wonderful and totally appropriate birthday card for his sister Sue (who very active when voting rolls around):

and mother earth card for Kate:

A little show and tell from Scrap Happy Quilting:

And Arizona Mary has been working on her bookcase quilt (started at the QUAP retreat this year)....she's added some embroideries:

*** In a span of 11 years, 115 people died in a weight lifting accident at the gym. In the same 11 years, only 1 person died eating a donut. MAKE GOOD CHOICES!!! ***
She’s back!!!!!! And BG is offline
I liked the joke,
Welcome back! You sure were missed. Now Al can stop asking if you’re back. He says you’re remarkable!
Glad you are baaa-aaack!