I was up early on Tuesday (10/25) after a reasonably good night’s sleep (YAY, RAH, RAH!!) and I got 2 labels made for the men's quilts on the to-be-bound pile:

and got the Blue Squiggle quilt cleaned up (bobbin ends woven in and basting ripped out), off of the frame, trimmed (someone asked me…so here’s a picture of trimming….I just put my ruler down and cut off the extra batting and backing):

which unfortunately generates a pile like this:

that must now be re-claimed :~(. The quilt is now on the to-be-bound pile:

All before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM. My honey was out for half the day…trying to get our tire fixed…turns out it can’t be fixed…we must get a new one, and of course it had to be ordered and will be in, in a couple of days.
I had 2 nice long chats with Mary Lee and Inez during the day, and eventually got back to working on that ugly pile of ''fabric''…which is going to take forever to make into some usable form.
Michael left at 6 PM for the movies, and Pam came over at 7 PM with a dilemma that she wanted my input on. I made the Praline Buttermilk cake (for our 2 day quilt retreat at Scrap Happy on Wednesday and Thursday):

while we solved the problems of the world, and she left only about 20 minutes before Michael got home.
Wednsday (10/26) was an all day quilt retreat at Scrap Happy:

With a potluck for lunch:

and lots of piecing and lots of laughs!
When we got home, we made French bread pizzas for dinner (since Michael was able to score a skinny baguette from ALDI’s):

Paula used to be able to get this great, thick balsamic vinegar from California, but since the pandemic that's been a no-go. I bought a bottle here, but it had the consistency of water....I boiled down my new bottle of vinegar to about a fourth of the previous volume, and the texture and taste were much improved as a drizzle after the pizza was baked:

after which, June cut fabric for the Arizona Mary quilt:

(Laura, here’s a picture of AZ Mary's quilt that inspired several of us to make it on retreat):

And here's my AZ Mary quilt top that I made to check out my directions (I"ll make another at retreat with everyone else):

and I started to load up a QoV. I only got the backing pinned on and the batting loaded before my energy petered out.
If you remember the movie…this quote is hysterical….
*** I’m just a gal…standing in front of a salad….asking it to be a donut. ***
*** I don’t always have time to fold and put away laundry….but when I do….I don’t! ***
Was very yummy pizzas 🍕!