My honey was up early on Monday (2/27) to head out for golf, while I headed out to the Big View for breakfast with the ladies:
-Sally & Ann Mary

-Ginny & Kay

-Gale & me

As usual, we sat and talked for about 3 hours….it’s been a long time since we’ve all been together!
Once I was home, I headed downstairs to continue quilting and working on my OBW (it kind of looks a mess right now doesn't it?):

I’ve gotta get this off of my design wall as I need the wall to lay out other things…but it is taking a long time to sew it together! And, I need to start looking for what I need to complete that center opening, but that involves time on the computer that I just don't want to spend right now.
My honey was home just after 3 PM, with 2 triples, and 1 quadruple, but also 1 birdie and a score of 88! Since we were both downstairs, all of the furry kids joined us...and Ethel had to explore my partially open drawer of bindings:
We got a phone call right around dinner to go and rescue Anne and her golf cart. Even though she put water in her batteries just 3 weeks ago, one was totally dry and the rest were low. We headed to the ball park, got her filled up with distilled water...and away she went!
We had leftovers for dinner (lasagna and Italian Wedding Soup...we still have more....I'm enjoying not cooking for a bit!) and watched TV in the evening.
*** I read the instructions and it said I needed a large screwdriver… I got out the vodka and orange juice, and everything after that remains a complete mystery. ***
Video of Ethel was a riot!