I hopped up Thursday morning (12/28) VERY excited….I am crossing my fingers that the receptionist at my PT place is NOT on vacation this week…and will be there when I go in for my lunchtime appointment. Michael and I have the quilt all boxed up in a large, flat rate USPS box, and I’m hoping to say this….in a quizzical, confused voice….when I see her: ‘’I’m hoping you can help me because I’m a little confused….I only started coming here last week, and somehow Santa left a package for you at my house’’. In the meantime, I got my blog out and then got a phone call….seems my PT therapist isn’t in today :~(, so they cancelled my appointment, but I did find out that the receptionist was there….so Michael and I took off after 10 AM to deliver the quilt.
I said my piece, and Michael handed her the box. She split it open and….oh my…her reaction was everything I could have hoped for!!!! She got a little misty eyed…couldn’t believe it had been made just for her….wondered how I knew lime green was her favorite color….and also loved the black/white prints with it. She came out from behind the desk to give me a big hug!! I asked her to make sure Robin, my PT gal, got a look at it as she was the one who got the info on favorite color.

I was happy, happy, happy all the way home.
I was making a little food to take downstairs after that when the doorbell rang…it was our old neighbor Susan….looking as pretty and young as ever!!! She came for a lovely long visit and we got all caught up on things around the ‘hood, as well as in our personal lives. After she left, Michael and Freya headed out for a walk, and I finally made a sandwich and took it to the studio to…say it with me….work on more bindings!!!

Working on bindings….will they ever end?!?!!? I finished up to complete another totally finished quilt:

and we settled in to watch WHITE CHRISTMAS and start to address our Christmas cards…..last night’s movie was DAN IN REAL LIFE….one of my Christmas presents.
And, we finally have THE BIG REVEAL!!! Pat made this quilt at the Fiber Floozie retreat...but wanted no pictures anywhere as it was a Christmas present for George. Doesn't this look incredible on the bed? He LOVED it:

And the absolutely perfect backing she found at Eshes:

*** MMR – Michael’s Movie Reviews ***
The Boys in the Boat- the true story of the University of Washington's shell crew and their struggles and victories during the turbulent year of 1936. George Clooney masterfully directs this movie (even though you know each outcome - or can guess), he controls the narrative excellently. Tension builds and builds to the ultimate climax in Germany at the 1936 Olympics! A mostly unknown group of actors (who NEVER rowed before) put on a very believable show of how hard a job of crewing really is! Each main character's backstory is fleshed out and you are swept up into their lives. Highly recommended viewing. A little over two hours long but speeds by like a well stroked shell! 5/5 fat quarters.
*** In the winter, I love putting on warm underwear fresh out of the dryer…..plus it’s fun to look around the Laundromat and guess who they belong to. ***
I read the book years ago and it brought back my crewing years. While watching the movie, I found myself moving with the shell! So funny!
The ‘Boys in the Boat’ is one of my favorite books ever. I am glad they did a good job with the movie.
Love all of the quilts! Beautiful!
Awwwww. I loved the story about your special quilt delivery. and you’ve been so productive! I’m still recovering from Christmas!
Many beautiful quilts!!! Much beautiful fabric!! All helping to get my sewing mojo back for the new year...