My honey headed out Tuesday (2/27) for a haircut, PT appointment and various shopping, while I headed to the studio. First up was getting Sandy’s first quilt cleaned up, basting ripped out, bobbin ends woven in and trimmed once it was off of the frame.
I put away my QoV that was on the design wall, and got the Asian quilt on the wall so that I could measure it and get it labeled. I need another hanger to get this one put away so that I can start to lay out the bed quilt!!!! That’s going to take 2 layouts…what I mean is that I think my design wall is only big enough to layout half at a time. I hope to start that on Friday.
One of my knitting students stopped by in the afternoon for a bit of help and then I started to load up Sandy’s second quilt:

My honey left just before 7 PM for the movies with Larry, and I got a bit of quilting done on Sandy’s second quilt:

and the binding for the Asian quilt:

before heading upstairs.
Wednesday (2/28) was a very busy day for me….I started out SKYPE-ing with Janice, then headed straight to a neighbor’s house to re-learn how to make a tulle wreath. I made one about 15 years ago which both Michael and I love and think is beautiful. I’ve always wanted one for Christmas…but had no idea how I did it before. I found a friend-of-a-friend who knew how…and loves making them and showing others how to make, so another lady and I spent several hours coming up with one:

Our instructor had this totally cool 1950 Chevy in her garage (that she is trying to sell):

We didn’t quite finish with the wreaths, so we booked another appointment in 2 weeks...I need to find some ribbon before then.
Then it was straight to a hearing aid appointment, only to learn that my right hearing aid is dead :~(. I got a loaner pair and they sent mine off to be repaired.
I came home with pizzas for dinner and collapsed with my honey and knit away the evening.
Thursday (2/29) we were both up early….we had to pick up new ‘’fobs’’ to get us into the SCCL buildings and into the complex, at 9 AM, then I headed off to quilting (thank goodness my honey packed my car…I think it took 4 trips!!!)
We had terrific show & tell:
-I forgot to post this last week....a former member stopped by to show us....isn't it adorable?????

-Linda went to QUILT-CON, determined not to buy any fabric....but she couldn't resist this Liberty of London print

-another great ''I spy'' quilt from Floy

-check out the quilting that Laura did

-and she inadvertently picked up a piece of errant fabric on the she turned it into a label....clever!!

-June made this from orphan blocks for a friend to hang over a door and block out noise

-Kundan's first pieced quilt!!!!

-a crocheted hat made by Sierra, Sonya's daughter

-do not be hysterical about this's cheater cloth

I got rid of stuff on the free table….sold more fabric from FOUST….delivered two customer quilts (and coincidently picked up 2 more) and then headed to Lancaster with Diane to drop off quilts to dialysis (including one really pretty one Linda gave me that morning).
Diane came back to the house afterwards with me to see how I load up and start to quilt…’s her table runner:

-that quilting is about 1/4'' apart! That's what she wanted

After a break for dinner, I continued quilting until 8:30 PM before finally collapsing with my honey.
We were up early Friday morning (3/1) for appointments with the eye doctor. Michael may need to have a bit of surgery on his right eye….so we are waiting to hear about that. We did some shopping on the way home, then he left for lunch out with one of his buddies, while I headed over to a friend’s house. I am a back-up baby sitter for their pets while they are spending 2 weeks in Hawaii (lucky dogs!!!) and I needed to find out all of my duties. I was there for a couple of hours because we just started talking and I also managed to help them with some computer/picture stuff. I got home in time to clean up and dress and head into Charlotte…..once again…my favorite thing in the world….driving into and home from Charlotte…IN THE POURING RAIN!!!! But, it really was worth it…..Michael and I were not even dating when we found out that we shared a favorite piece of music….RHAPSODY IN BLUE…actually we are both big Gershwin fans and AN AMERICAN IN PARIS was also on the Charlotte Symphony program:

The young gal playing the piano was OUTSTANDING!!!! She got standing ovations on all of the pieces she played!!!
After a rain filled trip home, we read in the living room for about an hour before bed.
And another grautitous puppy pic...trying to get a picture of her with her new toy....but she's just too fast! This is the best out of about 8 pictures I took...

*** I need to lose weight…..I know how to lose weight….but I don’t want to do the things that I need to do to lose weight…..but I still wanna lose weight. You get me? ***
Love the orphan quilt! Kundan’ s quilt gorgeous! And the crocheted hat….hilarious!
I really hate sewing on quilt sleeves, I noticed the triangular corners on Laura’s quilt and wondered how well they work, might try that for next my next outdoor wall hanging.
Kinda did beautiful pricing for her first quilt, well done
Diane’s close quilting stitches created a lot of stitching don’t you charge by the stitch