Just as an aside - I have to admit I only watched about 10 minutes of the news Tuesday night. At one point, they showed snippets of 7 - 8 different people saying incredulously ''if this can happen to him (Tr***) it can happen to anyone''. Over and over again they were repeating it as if it were a bad thing. Can someone please explain to me why this is a bad thing? Don't we want our laws to apply to everyone? Do we really want people who are rich and powerful to be above the law? Should Nixon not have had to resign? These people already have an advantage, knowing they can hire the most expensive and savvy legal experts to get them off...isn't that enough? If you can explain to me why this is a bad thing, that everyone is supposedly equal under the law, please do.
As I was sitting down at the kitchen table to complete my monthly chores on Tuesday morning (4/4) I saw one of our neighbors coming up to our front door. He was looking for a key to our across-the-street-neighbor’s house, as he had fallen and couldn’t get up. Michael and Howard headed over and got Bryce up and into bed. Bryce had called a triage nurse and she wanted him to go to the hospital so we called an ambulance. They checked Bryce all out, but he declined to go, so I called his brother and he agreed to come and stay with Bryce for the day. When I got back home, I got our monthly bills paid while my honey made me a smurfy breakfast. He left for a golf tournament afterwards and I headed to the studio. I got my blog out before SKYPE-ing for just a bit with Susan. We’ve both decided we want to change a few things in our lives, and we’re being accountable to each other. So, we’re going to check in about those things once per week. After that I got Paula’s quilt off of the frame and all cleaned up, and then surveyed my kingdom….wondering what to work on :~). I decided that I have to keep moving forward on the OBW, but I can’t do that 100% of the time because I will get too discouraged as it moves SO SLOWLY….so after sewing 2 rows together (I'm going to try to do 2 rows every day) and pressing the seam open (I’m using a bit of starch when pressing to help with the bias edges):

I cut some strips for another QoV and put them in my project box. The QUAP retreat is less than 3 weeks away, and I need to take a few more projects.
Paula stopped by in the afternoon to pick up her quilt and we spent a pleasant amount of time just talking on the front porch. Michael left for the movies Tuesday night (Shazaam:Fury of the Gods) and I knit while he was gone.
I don't think I've shown you Michael's latest 2 cards...Michael's very musical son Marc has a birthday in about a week, so this card went out in the mail:

And he made a ''hidden pictures'' card for AJ:

Michael left at 7:30 AM for golf on Wednesday (4/5) and I left at 8:20 for a quick stop at the vet’s office (more meds for Cookie) and a 9 AM appointment at my hearing center. Even though I feel like my hearing has really gotten much worse lately, I am not significantly different from the last time I had it checked…for which I am very grateful.
I hurried home to SKYPE with Janice, before heading out to the chiro. I was finally home by 12:30 and had a bite to eat before cleaning up a few messes (Janice – baby steps!):

I baked some mini-cheesecakes in the afternoon (for quilting tomorrow):

and read my newest book:

My friend Susan has a story published in it….too cool!!! When I finish the book, I will be happy to loan it out…let me know if you are interested.
*** My friend Jack claims that he can talk to vegetables….that’s right…Jack and the
beans talk. ***
*** I LOVE to party!!! If by party you mean stay home and quilt! ***
Great pics of both cards..thanks!
M... How clever ! She'll love it...
D... What's going in the center of the OBW ??? Love the baby steps.
I love the mystery card, I will have to try it with my grandson!
I found all five in the card! I’m game for the book.