My honey woke me up on Tuesday (9/20) by delivering beautiful roses to me in bed:

I had a bunch of paperwork to get out of the way after that, so I got that done while Michael and Cookie were out walking.
Afterwards, I fixed the error on Sandy’s quilt (I thought about it the previous night while I couldn't sleep and figured out exactly what I was going to do :~) …and you can’t even tell where it was :~). Then I got it all cleaned up and off of the frame and ready for pick up:

Pam & Rosalie:

swung by after NOON and we headed into Waxhaw to meet up with Connie:

at Provisions for lunch. We had a delightful lunch…I had a chicken salad wrap with chipotle black bean soup...yummy:

then we hit a bakery before heading home. We talked for a couple of hours before everyone scattered.
Michael had a leftover piece of pizza before leaving at 6 PM for the movies, while I had the other half of my lunch sandwich for dinner. I sewed on my striped quilt, putting the blocks into rows:

until he got home around 9:30 PM.

It's Mayer
I'm a Toys R Us Kid
Give me a piece of that Kit Kat bar
With Folgers in your cup
sometimes you don't
In perfect harmony
At & T
Nair wears short shorts
Lucky Charms are magically delicious
Meow Mix