Wednesday morning (1/31) I had my usual SKYPE with Janice, after which my honey made me a smurfy egg/cheese/toast! The rest of the day was all about quilting. I got the pattern set up on Pam’s second quilt and got my bobbins wound and kicked off quilting. I know the thread is hard to see…but I think that’s good….this quilt is very soft looking…and I wanted the thread to blend in so that you could read each of the squares and to keep it looking very soft. This quilt also had butterflies, but there were lots of flowers as well…so I had a second pattern with both butterflies and flowers and I used that one:

Once again, the only time my top thread broke was when my bobbin ran out. I am still not trusting that the problem is fixed…..but I AM feeling a lot better about it!
I got in a second SKYPE session for the day with BG around 4 PM and that was delightful.
I’ve also had a friend asking me about how I embroider on cards….so thought I would do a tutorial so that she can see what I do.
-first I just hoop tear-a-way stabelizer

-then I use painter's tape and put the smallest amount I can to anchor the card. When I peel it away, I don't want it to rip anything off of the that's why I am only affixing it with the tiniest tip of tape

-then I attach my hoop to my machine and begin...

Once the embroidery is done:
-I un-hoop it and carefully take off the tape

-then I remove the tear-a-way from around the edges....I hold down the edges of my stitching as I tear so that I don't accidentally disrupt some of the delicate stitching

-and I have a finished card

By dinnertime, I was totally finished quilting Pam's second quilt, and was feeling a tiny bit more confident that my troubles are in the rear view mirror!
I’ve gotta keep moving on my long arm quilting if I hope to hit my ‘’52 quilts a year’’ goal this year….I am way behind due to all of the problems I have had and all of the procrastination I have done!
Thursday (2/1) was all about quilting…with wonderful show and tell:

and a fabulous lunch, since it was the beginning of the month, we had our regular pot luck.
I was home by 2:30 and worked on my new bed blocks until dinnertime:

*** The worst part about not buying snacks so you won’t eat snacks is not having snacks when you need a lil snack. ***
*** How come you never hear about gruntled employees? ***
Love the purple for the squares in your new quilt. Thanks for the card demo ! Square peg in a round hole - who woulda' thought ?!
Where do you get the designs for your alphabet for your cards? Love them