I was up at 6 AM Wednesday (6/28) to make a breakfast sandwich for my honey to take to the golf course, as he had to be there by 7 AM. That was the good news…the bad news (much, much later in the day) was that he said the sandwich was the best part of the day….oops! Apparently he didn’t do very well in the 4 clubs only tournament they had. I got in a bike ride, a shower, breakfast for Cookie and me and a load of laundry thrown in before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM. We finished up around 10:30 and I headed out to my hair appointment. I was home around 1:30 and worked on getting my blog out before dropping back to cleaning up Pam’s quilt and getting it off of the frame and trimmed:

I had decided yesterday that I needed to set aside everything I was working on, and make a small purse for our trip…but then my terrific friend Janice showed me the purse she used for Ireland…and she’s going to mail it to me…so I’m all set :~).
OK….cruise talk. Michael and I have finally decided that we don’t want to leave our car at the airport for 2 weeks…..so we’re looking for a ride to and from the airport. So, on July 11th our flight is at 8:15 PM, and we would like to be at the airport by 5:15 PM…so if there is anyone who could/would take us, please let me know.
On the way home, our flight is due to arrive on July 24th at 8:30 PM, and we would be looking for a ride home, so again, if there is anyone who would be willing to pick us up, please let me know. Although she has offered, I do not want our house/dog/cat sitter to do that in addition to everything else she is doing for us!
*** Exercise makes you feel and look good naked…but so does tequila...guess which one I'm choosing? ***
You cannot imagine how much I just adore your quilting on my blue floral quilt! Thank you for accepting me as a client!