Michael left for PT for his knee Tuesday morning (10/17) as well as several errands on the way home, while I spent time in the kitchen, putting together a pecan upside down cake:

Once it was out of the oven, I straightened up the house and vacuumed the downstairs in anticipation of the Fiber Nutz arrival:
-the kitties were loving on Pam...




Everyone LOVED the cake (I think this is what I will take for our veteran’s day lunch at Scrap Happy, I like it better than the oreo cake), and also enjoyed my ‘’program’’ about quilting.
Of course they were fascinated by the longarm….which ran out of bobbin thread half way through the first row!!! I just left it, to be fixed once Michael left for the movies.
I did get rid of a few things in the house….June had given me leftover knitting stuff, I believe from her mom. I took out 2 sets of needles and some markers for my beginner’s group at the library, and several of the Nutz picked up a few things as well. Then, I had a jacket that I made many, many years ago to sell at a craft fair….it was an EXCELLENT fit for Rosalie and she looked great in it, so she took that home:

She has to shorten the sleeves a bit...and I believe she's going to add a button, but otherwise, doesn't she look wonderful?
And I had a large spool of 5/2 cotton in a teal color for weaving, and that found its way into Carol’s stash :~). Little by little I’m getting rid of things :~).
We had just a bit of show and tell before everyone left:

Michael left for the movies around 6 PM, and I headed to the studio to finish up the blue HST’s:

And a few bittersweet photos....same location, different dog:

*** I think ghosts are really just people who died trying to fold a fitted sheet. ***
Love the ghost 'funny'... The jacket looks fabulous on Rosalie. Glad you found the perfect match for it !
The pecan cake looks fabulous! Would you share the recipe? How did the ladies make the items from your Show and Tell? They are beautiful and so unusual.
I thought the same thing when I saw Freya take that spot.
Glad mom's needles found homes.