I was up before 6 AM on Tuesday (8/30) as I just couldn’t sleep….the sad thing is…it took until almost 7 AM for it to be light outside :~(.
I got my blog out, then got the basting ripped out of my customer quilt:

and got all of the bobbin ends sewn in and pulled it off the frame…it’s ready for pickup:

After that I dropped back to working on blue chandelier:

When Michael got up, he made me breakfast and after I ate I settled in at the kitchen table…finally getting back to the binding on my quilt:

By early afternoon, it was done (I'm keeping this one...for nap time in my studio!! This picture really doesn't do justice to how gorgeous this quilt is):

The focus fabric in this quilt is around 35 years old….I bought it in Paducah when I went with Mary Jo (one of only 2 non-batiks I bought), and I still love it just as much as I did when I bought it. If I could…I’d buy a bolt of it!!
Michael and I took off after that for my PT office. Several weeks ago I started chatting with a woman there…and found out she was a Marine…..so you know what that means…..QOV (Quilt of Valor) time!!! I gave her my spiel….and to say she was overwhelmed would be an understatement!!! She told me over and over that I was a blessing….she couldn’t believe it…she hugged me and hugged me….it was all really terrific! I had 3 quilts for her to choose from and she was certainly happy with what she got. The whole experience really made my day!!!

When I got home, I continued to work on Blue Chandelier and by the time I quit to go upstairs and knit, I had the top half sewn together, but not yet pressed:

Michael said rehearsal went well when he got home just before 10 PM, and we had ice cream cones before heading for bed.
*** "I'm at that age where my back goes out more than I do." - Phyllis Diller ***
How exciting to give out the qov yourself instead of thru channels! 🙂