Current US COVID related deaths: 787,984
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 786,268
I got up on Wednesday morning (11/17), determined to get a label done on my new machine. First I got through my emails and got my blog out….and yet again my honey brought me breakfast to save me some time (since he was not tee-ing off until NOON):

then I had a nice chat with Pat W (home after a week of vacation in Florida with her daughter), and finally I loaded up a QoV label on my thumb drive and headed to my machine… hour and a half later….I have talked to June (she has the same machine) and I have talked to Norm….and my machine is not working :~(. I spent another hour on the phone with Norm and I am ready to jump in the car and take it back in….because Norm told me I could take home the floor model until he has a chance to look at mine….but the furnace guy is supposed to come…and then the basement floor guy is supposed to come….so I am stuck at home! But…trusty friends always come through for you….I will go to Pat’s on Friday to get my labels done, and in the meantime, I will work on the quilts. I headed upstairs to get a few things done, then eventually made my way back to my studio. I couldn’t remember if I had turned my machine off (and if it sits for awhile, it kind of shuts down like your phone does)….so I hit the rocker switch…which ended up turning it back on. Just for ha has, I went through my procedure again…and low and behold:
check out those words…this machine trims all of my jump stitches…I won’t have to clean up my labels anymore….whoo hoo!!! I don’t know what I did differently (especially since Norm said I couldn’t screw it up…the machine is supposedly idiot proof)….but I am THRILLED it is working! The proof will really be when I try to do the second label, as I plan to turn the machine off again and start from scratch. While that was stitching out, I got the basting ripped out and all of the bobbin ends woven in on one of the QoV’s:

I got it off of the frame, and then spent a lot of time just keeping an eye on my label stitching out....I LOVE it:

The flooring guy came then to measure the basement. I had a lot of questions about when and how our updated flooring will happen…and what I would be able to do in the basement while that was going on for a week (answer…nothing!) By the time he left, Michael called to say he was on his way home, and would pick up crab sandwiches on the way for dinner.
After dinner we spent time making a start on Michael’s cast gifts….I’ll get pictures eventually.
I kid you not....I TOTALLY remember the first time this happened....
*** If I dropped something when I was younger, I just picked it up. Now I’m old and if I drop something, I stare at it for awhile, contemplating if I really need it. ***
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY that your embroidery machine got over her shyness to perform!!
Deb, I loved all the pictures from Machine Embroidery. I haven't been able to go for a while and had planned to go to this one but Al had a doctor's appt. so I'm hoping for next month. Such talented people!