I was up early on Wednesday (2/21), determined to finish at least 1 of Sandy’s quilts before I leave for Janice’s. I threw a load of laundry in before heading downstairs to get 2 rows stitched out before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM. I continued to cut red/background/blue QoV fabric to stitch up at Janice’s for a leaders and enders quilt to work on once I get home. I am cutting up some of the last of my red and blue ‘’branches’’ fabric pattern….this is such a beautiful tone-on-tone pattern….I wish I knew why they stopped making it.
I had a great session with Janice, my honey made me a breakfast sandwich, my customer swung by to pick up her quilt…and I was back to quilting by 11 AM :~).
I worked on it all day…and by 7.30 PM the quilting was done:

Of course I didn't get it cleaned up or the basting ripped out.....but I am very glad to have the quilting completed and will finish it up when I get home on Monday.
My honey ran a bunch of errands in the afternoon (including filling up my car with gas so that I don’t have to stop on the way to Janice’s) and I swear he is the sweetest, most romantic man ever!!! Since I’m leaving tomorrow for 5 days….he thought we should have a romantic dinner of champagne….and our favorite-est puffy things ever:

So while he was out running around doing his errands, he headed into PUBLIX to pick some up.
We had a wonderful evening!
And I did one more picture of my basket from the other side of my long arm:

and my friend said that perfectly showed where the basket should go....she might do exactly the same thing!
You can see in that picture above that I was sewing borders on a QoV quilt I had been working on, on Thursdays....the top is now finished:

But what I truly need is time on my longarm for my own quilt tops :~).
And speaking of QoV's, BG has finished a new pattern top:

And Janice has started new interesting blocks for another QoV:

*** Accordion to scientific studies, 90% of people do not realize I replaced the beginning of the sentence with an instrument……they have my symphony. ***
Love BG’s quilt and Janice’s block.
Cello everybody out there, I don’t believe violins ever solved any problem!
I’m one of the 90%, glad to hear that 90% of other people do the same thing thought it was just me….makes me not feel so bad …..sometimes I realize I have read the sentence or story completely wrong. When in Amsterdam my grand son was correcting my story reading even though he is only 4…..he has it memorized
So Sandy’s quilt, is the backing pieced as well or just fabric printed to look like a quilt?
I love Janice’s new block
And do tell, what were your most favorite puffy things?