I hopped up early on Saturday (10/28) hoping to get through all of the remaining towels for cast gifts, while Michael made a quick trip to the grocery store. While the towels were stitching out, I continued to sew on my FPF QoV, but didn't get very far.
I didn’t get everything finished before stopping for our driveway party:


-Michael....trying to avoid licks from Freya!

It was lovely to sit there with just Kay and Pete and talk….and we got a special surprise….this beautiful Rolls Royce, picking up the raffle winners on our street, to whisk them off to dinner....after champagne and appetizers in the Rolls:

Ann Mary & Jim stopped by for a few minutes as everyone was packing up and heading inside.
We had luscious ‘mater sammichs for dinner again, and watched THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL in the evening.
Sunday (10/29) was a very quiet day….we had a leisurely breakfast and read the paper, then got cleaned up and headed out at 1 PM for BASKERVILLE at Theatre Charlotte….and Michael and I had a very interesting discussion in the car…when we found out that we each had been thinking along the same lines….but hadn’t yet mentioned it to each other :~)!
When ACTOR”S THEATRE shut down last year (where we had been season ticket holders for around 16 years, and followed them to 4 – 5 different venues), we were very disappointed and looked around for another theatre experience. We have been to Theatre Charlotte several times over the years, and decided to buy season tix for this season. We saw the WIZARD of OZ a month ago and were on our way to see their second production. I can’t remember now exactly what Michael said in the car that prompted me to speak up, but I said ‘’I was excited to buy these theatre tix to replace our experiences at ACTOR”S THEATRE, but I am not sure I am enamored by the acoustics. I was surprised to find out that they don’t use face mikes, and I struggled to hear all of the words during the last production. So, I wasn’t sure how I felt about buying season tix again’’. Michael then piped up and said that he had also been thinking along those lines, and we agreed that we would make a decision after a couple more productions. Well….BASKERVILLE was dreadful. A lot of the actors were using exaggerated accents (on purpose to be funny), and for one of the women, I lost about 90% of what she was saying :~(. Several of the men spoke incredibly fast, and were also very hard to understand…..and during intermission we heard the couple behind us discussing the same thing. Needless to say, we were both disappointed on the way home.
Michael had time to have a quick bite of dinner before heading off to rehearsal….the beginning of H_LL week! He didn’t get home until 11 PM….and the rest of this week will probably be no different….a long and tiring week….with something else going on EVERY SINGLE DAY :~(.
*** I tried donating blood today….NEVER AGAIN!!! They asked too many questions…..whose blood is it? Where did you get it from? Why is it in a bucket? ***
*** I just found out the neighborhood had a meeting about the crazy person on the block….it’s weird that they didn’t invite me. ***
Can’t wait to see Michael perform at FMPH !
Got a chuckle from both of your ending snippets!