A beautiful breakfast was delivered by my honey on Monday morning (4/29):

so that I could dive back into Sandy’s quilt. I completed the quilting:

just before I had to leave for my massage.
I made a quick stop at ALDI’s on the way home, and started to clean up the quilt and get it off of the frame….I have one more customer quilt in the pipeline, and I would like to get it completed before I leave on Thursday for a short retreat with June and Janice. Michael came home from golf and for the first time since he broke that bone in his ankle....he broke 90!!!!! And he had a birdie....he was a happy camper.
I finished clean up on Sandy's quilt and got it trimmed:

and was getting ready to load my next one when my honey called me on the phone.
I thought he was calling to say ‘’what are you eating for dinner’’, but instead he said ‘’don’t you have knitting tonight’’? I looked at the clock…it was 6:08 PM….class starts at 6 PM!!!!!!! My phone was over by my computer being charged, and I never heard the reminder. Believe you me….I have not moved that fast in a LO_O_O_ONG time!!!! I flew up the stairs and dialed the library while trying to breath and pull my knitting basket together. Luckily I know all of the librarians, and when Debbie answered the phone, I asked her to go and tell my class I was on my way.
I arrived TOTALLY FLUSTERED (you know I HATE to be late anywhere) and I’m not sure I settled down and felt calm for the entire class! One of my beginners came in with this:

I was so incredibly impressed….I asked if I could take a pic and post it on the blog. She did a seriously impressive job, totally without my help! Next we’re going to tackle cables.
When I came home I really felt like I deserved a drink, so I poured a margarita and collapsed on the sofa with my honey.
And finally...I don't have such a picture heavy blog, so I can show you Michael's new style of drawing:

He even did one as the front of Marc's birthday card:

And our roses are continuing to look beautiful:

*** I’m at the age where I long ago gave up my dream of ever being a Disney princess…..however, the Evil Queen is now within my grasp! ***
Michael's drawings look like the beginning of a modern quilt. Nice.
The rose is STUNNING! Michael's drawings look very Picasso-esque. Very modern art-ish!
Nice scarf and M's drawing. What was his inspiration for this new 'style' ?