I got my blog out Friday morning (1/20) and then fired up XENA to work on Sandy’s quilt….I need to have it finished and totally off of the frame by Saturday at NOON, as June is swinging by to quilt one of her quilts! I finished up the quilting:

and got it all cleaned up and folded in the bag for return by 2 PM.
I started working on the second half of the new pinwheel QoV:

Pam came by in the late afternoon to bring a check for the Fort Mill Play and to visit. We had a lovely time talking and when she left, I headed upstairs for good as I was starving!
I still had chicken leftover from dinner out the other night, so that’s what I ate while Michael continued to finish up his pizza. We used our PASSPORT subscription to go back to the beginning of VIENNA BLOOD and watch the first 2 episodes of season 1 while we are waiting for season 3, episodes 3 & 4 to record (yes….I know we could watch those on PASSPORT as well!)
Have I mentioned that we have daffodils blooming?

By the way QUAP and Floozies…the FOUST sale is this coming February 15th….anyone need a bolt of white on white, cream on cream, black-ish….or anything else for background? If I can pick up anything for you….please let me know.
*** If you’re experiencing joint pain, you’re probably holding the lit end. ***
Don't Bogart that joint!
Noticed my daffodils are coming up but not buds yet.