Paula picked me up on Thursday morning (1/12) for quilting….I had a wonderful day and got lots of compliments on my hair….but I must be truthful…I miss my old, very dark color :~(. I still think I'm terrible at taking selfies:

and OMG!!! When did those lines under my eyes appear? And where the heck do you look on the phone so that your eyes are looking out of the picture??? One of my friends certainly learned her manners at her mother's knee...the one about ''if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all''. She noticed I got it cut, and asked me several questions about it: when did you get it cut, why did you get it cut, how much did they cut off, but never said another word about it!
We had wonderful show and tell:

-this is an entirely embroidered panel...every single square done individually

-Nancy embroidered these when she was 10 years old...

and when I got home I had a bunch of stuff to do around the house and on my computer as I am back to being the secretary of Scrap Happy, before I finally got to my sewing room around 4:30 PM.
I got the men’s quilt top totally finished:

My only disappointment is that it is too small…I need to put borders on it… that’s what I worked on in the evening. Question for the Day - Why do simple borders always take longer than you think? It couldn’t possibly be because I procrastinate and drag my feet so much….could it??? But at last (8:30 PM) it was done and I stumbled upstairs and made a drink (it’s almost Friday…right?) and knit while watching TV with my honey.
Why do I dislike doing borders so much….look at the difference it makes between this:

and this:

I think that border really makes it look finished!!
*** She danced like nobody was watching….unfortunately everyone was watching and she looked like bees were attacking her. ***