We finally had Scrap Happy Quilting again on Thursday (1/5)…the last time we met was December 15th!! I hopped up early that morning to make roll dough for our potluck:

We had terrific show and tell:

This quilt was made by a great, great, great gramma, born in the 1800's:

Show & Tell included this t-shirt that Jerri's daughter had made for her:

And we had our standard first Thursday of the month pot luck lunch:

Trust me…people outdid themselves on the food….it truly was incredible! And we had a spirited discussion at lunch about THREE PINES....all of the group around me are watching it.....some of us have read the books, and most of us are at different episodes...it was a lot of fun talking about it!!! One new member of Scrap Happy was Diane….a longarm customer and potential new friend!
I had a bunch of errands to do on the way home, but was finally home by 3 PM. And (this is just for you Laura L), I took a nap for over an hour out on the lanair! It got really windy, so our chimes kept waking me up....but I love hearing them...it always feels like a special treat because they have such beautiful tones.
I finally roused myself and headed downstairs to get out Wednesday’s blog entry, and to start to write Thursday's before working on getting my 2 quilts off of XENA. I am getting a customer quilt tomorrow, and another one on Tuesday, so I want to be ready to go and turn these around quickly.
I got the basting ripped out on the blue one, got all of the bobbin ends woven in…and got it trimmed and on the to-be-bound pile:

By then, my hands said they were done cutting (while I am grateful that my fingers are not yet bent from arthritis...my hands sure let me know when they've had enough!!)….so I dropped back to sewing together the on-point blocks….I now have about a third of the quilt sewing into rows:

I headed upstairs around 8 PM to knit and veg with my honey.
And another blast from the past....the quilt in this post...remains one of my absolute favorites of all time...I still LOVE how it looks and hope the recipient does too! looks:https://foodandfiberfloozie.blogspot.com/2018/01/layout-of-4-patch-frenzy.html
And my yearly recap from 2017 - I definitely need to up my game and get more quilts done this (2023) year! - https://foodandfiberfloozie.blogspot.com/2018/01/quilting-recap-playing-pool.html
*** I wake up every day, planning to be productive…and then a voice in my head says ‘’ha, ha…good one!’’ and we laugh and laugh and take a nap. ***
Absolutely love your on point quilt! It reminds me of falling leaves. The show and tell of quilts and food look beautiful and yummy!