Michael made me breakfast, then packed the car Thursday morning (11/17) and I headed out to quilting…where we had FABULOUS show and tell (sorry for some bluriness...these guys move FAST when they're holding up!):

and I got 3 bindings made:

and got my strips sewn together for a border on the 4th and final quilt that needs them:

I was home after 3:30 PM and trimmed Linda’s quilt so that she could stop by and pick it up and I had a nice chat with Mary Lee before turning my attention to dinner.
Michael bought some turkey/cranberry ravioli at ALDi’s and we didn’t think those would be very good with red sauce, so I made a parmesan cream sauce to go over them and we both liked our dinner a lot :~).
I headed downstairs after dinner to get my blog out, and finally settled in for some TV watching and continuing reclaiming of fabric just after 8 PM.
*** If you’re experiencing joint pain, you’re probably holding the lit end. ***