Michael left for golf on Wednesday (2/1) while I was SKYPE-ing with Janice. I had brunch after that before finally making my way to the studio to cut some fabric. Speaking of which, I forgot the stash report yesterday….I used 9-1/4 yards of fabric in January.
I spent the rest of the day working on a new pattern. I saw a picture on FB that I loved….and thought would be perfect using fat quarters. Now, I don’t like fat quarters, and never buy them, but a company sent them to me by mistake…and then told me to keep them when I contacted them, so I dragged them out and tried to figure out how to cut them to get all of the blocks I needed. So now I have many, many drawings, with the lines marked as 17 inches (because lots of times they are not a full 18 inches) by 20 inches, with brackets along the sides showing how much fabric I was potentially using up with my cuts. I finally thought I had it figured out, but I just cut one set, to see if the math was right. I got it sewn up, and liked the way it looked, so I am going to take the rest of my fat quarters to Janice’s in case I run out of things to do :~). The goal at Janice's is to come home with 4 totally finished quilts....anything on top of that is gravy!!!
I hopped up early Thursday morning (2/2), to get cinnamon rolls in the oven for quilting. We were having pajama day…and everyone brought in yummy breakfast treats to share. We even had fresh made pancakes and a hot chocolate bar. It was all lots of fun, and even the fact that we had no heat in half of the room had a silver lining….we decided we liked the new arrangement of tables (organized doubled up to be mostly on the side with heat) and want to keep it that way :~).
Some people dressed in pajamas....and some just wore funny shoes:

We had wonderful show and tell as usual:

I came home with a shoe box that has been riding around in Kathy's car for weeks....what is it about kitties and boxes???

I made a start on loading up the backing for Leila's quilt (a friend from Massachusetts)...this picture does NOT show just how beautiful this fabric is:

before stopping to SKYPE with BG at 4 PM.
Michael and I had crab raviolis with Parmesan cream sauce for dinner and he packed up the car in the evening so that I can get on the road to Janice’s early tomorrow. So, no blogs for awhile….I’ll be back sometime next Tuesday.
I’m looking to borrow a booster car seat…the child is 6 years old and about 50 pounds. I need to borrow it for February 20 – Feb 28th. If you have one I could borrow, please contact me ASAP! Thanks!
*** I don’t know whose dog needs to hear this (yes I do…it’s OUR dog!!!), but just because it crinkles, doesn’t mean it’s your snack! ***
That QOV with eagle and flag panel looked fab! Liked the blue and YELLOW one too.
could have mentioned my two birdies!
I have one but you have to come to AZ to get it……guess if you won’t come here so will have to plan a trip there!