Thursday (3/16) was not a good morning…we awakened to a literal flood of diarrhea in the kitchen…Cookie does not seem to be getting any better at all :~(. Her blood work all looked good….and she is on pills to supposedly stop the diarrhea….I think the next step is an ultrasound. Michael and I spent a long time cleaning up before he packed the car and I headed off to quilting. I took those 2 piles of magazines/books and almost all of them went! We had wonderful show & tell today, including lots of extras:
-we are considering having Corinne teach a convergence class later in the year, but many of the members didn't know what that looked like, so several people brought in their convergence quilts:

-I could only take in a picture of mine, since it was donated to an auction...I forgot how much I liked it!

Then, we are having a class on the ''bullseye'' quilt in April, so Loree and Robin brought in examples of those quilts:

There are lots of different layouts for that one.
Then we had regular show and tell:
-including this one that one of our members sent in a picture from Florida so that she could participate :~)

-of course I thought this one was STUNNING!!!

-Diane used to be an accountant....look at the cool fabric on the back of the pillow

-this is June's ''Arizona Mary'' quilt, started at the Fiber Floozie retreat last year (guess I'd better get my 2 bound and take them in next week :~):

-look at the joy on Pam's face:

I left right after show & tell so that Cookie wouldn’t be alone as Michael was going golfing in the afternoon. I sat with her on the lanair for quite awhile….until my customer came to pick up her quilt. My honey got home just as they were leaving and we headed to the studio where I worked on the:

while Michael got through all of his emails. It was 7 PM before we headed upstairs to collapse in front of the boob tube.
*** Rabbits jump and they live for 8 years….dogs run and they live for 15 years…turtles do nothing and live for 150 years….lesson learned. ***
What great talent displayed each week!
I cannot believe all the terrific show and tell!