We were up at 5 AM on Wednesday (6/15) for a pre-surgical work-up in Charlotte (for my knee replacement, currently schedule for 6/24/2022). Michael ended up not feeling very well and opted to stay home. It was so early in the morning that traffic was relatively light and I got there without incident. They took more blood, an EKG and I answered about a billion questions and was finally home by 9:30 AM. I hopped on a SKYPE call with Janice and when we were finished, I headed across the street for a massage. By the time I came home, my honey had picked a beautiful bouquet of our hydrangeas:

as well as more blueberries:

Once home again I read my new library book for a bit before finally heading downstairs to get out a blog entry. I got to sew a bit on the squiggle quilt before leaving to take dinner to Loree. We got to talk a bit…she is doing SO WELL!!!! She goes back to the doctor next Thursday (the 23rd) and is hoping to get put into a boot instead of a cast. I was home by 5:30 and headed downstairs to continue to sew the squiggle blocks into rows.
The long awaited Top Gun sequel is out and it is the feel good movie of the summer! Tom Cruise looks like he is still 30 years old and does a fabulous job as Maverick once again. He is recruited to teach a group of pilots how to accomplish a super dangerous top secret mission. Of course he bucks authority to get the job done. Action sequences with jets dominate the movie and they are exciting and well done! But there are some subplots that are interesting and add to the drama. A cameo appearance by Val Kilmer is particularly touching, if you know his real life back story.
I give it 5 out of 5 half square triangles!
Paula picked me up on Thursday (6/17) and we headed off to quilting. We were a smaller group, but definitely still had good show and tell:
-this is another quilt that Jerri made using only one striped fabric....she explained that it's all in the way you fold and cut it. We're hoping to get her to teach a class

this is Paula's mustache quilt

Michael picked me up after quilting and I dropped him at home before continuing on to my diabetes appointment. My coach Mike continues to be very pleased with my progress (I've lost 26 pounds so far), and said I should have a good experience with my knee replacement since I have reduced so much of the inflammation in my body….I sure hope he is right! They have already scheduled all of my PT appointments for after the surgery….I know it is going to be a bear…but I am trying to have a very positive attitude. I was finally home around 4 PM and talked with my honey for a bit before collapsing in front of the TV for the rest of the night.
*** I’ve finally reached THE WONDER YEARS…
-WONDER where I parked the car?
-WONDER where I left my phone?
-WONDER where my glasses are?
-WONDER what day it is? ***
*** Realized I had to use the bathroom….got up and walked across the house, to the pantry…..couldn’t remember why I was in the pantry…..remembered I had to use the bathroom….walked across the house to the bathroom….sitting on the throne I remembered why I went to the pantry…..
Toilet paper! ***
Love the mustaches!
beautiful hydrangeas !! I soooo miss mine from south st !
Thanks, Jan and I loved both of your funnies today