Thursday (9/21) was all about quilting….I finished up teaching the binding class and my students all did very well!! We had some lovely show and tell:

-my phone is really irritating me takes so long to focus...and I don't always see that it is NOT focused :~(

-this is such a cool wall hanging of all of the abbreviations that quilters use...and make sure you check out the quilting/thread painting she is truly phenomenal!!!

I left quilting at 1 PM, and got my hair done right after that, so I didn’t get home until after 3 PM. I immediately fired up XENA…determined to get the quilting done on the t-shirt quilt.
Michael picked up burgers for us for dinner and left for rehearsal after 6. I continued to quilt, and by 7:30 PM, the quilting was done. I spent another hour cleaning up and trimming the quilt before settling in the TV room with Freya to watch something and knit.
Here is all of my soap making equipment:

And my bag of shavings, that I have to turn into more soap somehow:

My goal is to get it made tomorrow morning (Saturday), so that I can let it set up overnight and cut it into bars on Sunday morning. Then it can start the curing process while I'm away at retreat.
I might also win the lottery.
The odds are about the same :~). ***
The 'Wild North Carolina' quilt is simply stunning!!! How does she do that? I also think the pineapple quilt is really nice. Have fun on retreat!