Current US COVID related deaths: 808,608
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 808,244
I hopped up early on Saturday (12/4) and had a nice long chat with Janice while I was loading up my soup:

Janice will be here on Wednesday, to quilt a Christmas gift and to participate in the tea! After that I had another nice chat with Pat, before heading to the kitchen once again to dip Nutter Butters:

I was sitting on the kitchen stool while I was doing some of it, and every time I got up, Ethel was right there:

I finally made it to my studio after NOON and got a few small tasks out of the way before embroidering another label (for my "X" quilt):

I am creating more 4 patches when I have leftovers from a project:

but only sewing them as a leaders and enders project…so it will be quite awhile before you see another quilt made with them.
Michael took 2 quarts of soup down to our neighbor before we settled in with our own dinners. I wanted to sew just a bit after dinner, so got borders put on 2 sides of the QoV quilt:

*** Mozart wrote his first symphony at the age of 8. I'm an adult and I just rehearsed what I'm going to say at the drive-thru 5 times . ***
Embroidered label looking good!!! Also the borders on new QOV.