I threw in laundry and got my blog out Sunday morning (11/27), before starting in to make sugared pecans:

I worked on yet another binding while the pecans were baking:

Michael was reading the Sunday paper with his faithful companion:

Sandy came down in the afternoon to drop off her quilt, and when Michael got home from dog walking shortly after that, we took a nice long drive in the golf cart just to see what was what!
When we got home, I bagged up all of the cooled pecans (Sandy said the house smelled great when she came by :~):

then headed to the studio. I was hoping to load up XENA, but I just didn’t have the energy….so I continued to work on blocks for a new QoV….layout coming soon:

I headed back upstairs around 7 PM, to knit and veg with my honey.
*** Of course I believe in the here after….every time I walk into a room I think ‘’What am I here after?’’ ***
I'm reminded of the old saying... If you're not here after what I'm here after, you'll be here after long after I'm gone.