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Sunday & Monday, Machine Embroidery Show & Tell

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

It was another night of interrupted sleep Saturday night, but that was OK because each time Freya fussed in her crate, I took her out….and she pee’d. The bad news is, my honey woke up on Sunday (8/20) feeling not very good. He had a slight temperature, was feeling achy all over, had intestinal distress and was very pale. He took a COVID test and it was negative, so that at least was good. I got him breakfast, then settled him in to watch TV with some electrolyte solution and Freya for company. I headed to my studio….but I think I was so tired from getting up the past 2 nights that my brain wasn’t really functioning…..I got my blog out and that’s about it. I went and got Freya so that Michael could take a nap and I tried to watch a bit of TV, with her napping and me not comprehending what I was seeing. After 2 hours, I took her back up to my honey (still not doing well, but ensconced in the TV room watching golf), and I gave him Freya and I took a nap. After that I had a bit more energy and headed back downstairs to work on Pam’s second quilt. I just kept working and by 7 PM the quilting was done and the quilt was all cleaned up and trimmed:

I headed upstairs and fed Freya and spent the night taking care of my honey.


Monday (8/21) we had a plethora of visitors….some we called and asked to come over…and others just dropped by (which is always fun). During my Christmas tea last year, Michael and I displayed a new Christmas decoration:

Well, 3 people who are very dear to me LOVED it…and I decided at that moment that we were going to buy it for them…, I wouldn’t tell anyone where I bought it….which really upset a couple of the people…but I was firm and wouldn’t budge. After the party was over, I went on-line to buy it…and they were sold out!!! EVERYWHERE!!! :~( So, there was nothing to do, but I did put it in my calendar to look for it this year….well, I found it last week and ordered 4 of them. Individually we called and invited Anne, Gale and Sally over….and gave them the surprise….OMG!!! Each time it was a ‘’gasp worthy’’ moment!!! They were all so happy….as a matter of fact, the video above is from Gale…who already set hers up. What a fun thing to do….Michael and I were so happy that people were so surprised and pleased to receive!!!

Anyway, they all stopped by, and Maury and Marcia stopped by to drop off a quilt, and Pam (weaving friend) stopped by to visit (unfortunately I had just been picked up by Pat to head off to Machine Embroidery) and Paula stopped by in the late afternoon, to visit a bit and get on the quilting schedule.

As usual, Machine Embroidery show and tell was awesome:

and riding up to the meeting and back with Pat at least gives us a few minutes to connect :~).

My honey’s stomach was still not 100% better, so he had a bit of soup for dinner, and I wasn’t hungry, so I just skipped it.

And of wouldn't be a blog entry without random pictures of Freya (pronounced fray-a) taken over the last 2 days....housebreaking a puppy takes a LOT of time...and I'm getting very little done....but she is so adorable I almost don't mind it a bit!

-hiding on a Sunday morning....

-deciding to ''read'' the paper....

-making a new GIANT friend

-her favorite place



And you can thank Debbie Dauberman (college roomie) for this delightful read below:

And on the 8th day, God created Seniors.

Most seniors never get enough exercise, in his wisdom, God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their eyeglasses, keys and other things, thus doing more walking.


Then God saw there was another need. In His wisdom He made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things, requiring them to bend, reach and stretch more.


Then God considered the function of bladders and decided seniors would have additional calls of nature, requiring more trips to the bathroom, thus providing more exercise.


So if you find as you age, you are getting up and down a lot more times, remember it's God's will. It is all in your best interests even though you mutter under your breath.

Nine important Facts to remember as we grow older:

#9 Death is the number 1 Killer in the world, and no one gets out alive.

#8 Life is sexually transmitted.

#7 Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

#6 Men have two motivations: Hunger and Sex, and they can't tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich.

#5 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the internet and they won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe they won't bother you for years.

#4 Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital dying of nothing.

#3 All of us can take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

#2 In the 60's, people took LSD to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take PROZAC to make it normal.

#1 Life is a jar of Jalapeno peppers. What you do today might burn you tomorrow.

Please share this wisdom with others. I would do it now, but I have a call from Mother Nature.

Finally: The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits (Albert Einstein).



Aug 22, 2023

Hope Michael is feeling better. Freya is such a sweet little thing. I love the quilting on my blue quilt! Tank you, Deb, so much! You always know which quilt deserves which pantograph!


Aug 22, 2023

I loved the embroidered Girl with the hair and sweater, the sweater looked hand knitted.

Freya is adorable, no one ever said dogs were easy….

The senior exercise reasons are soooo true


Michael Devokaitis
Michael Devokaitis
Aug 22, 2023

Great philosophy at the end! Plus what amazing embroidery!


Aug 22, 2023

All of the Embroidery Show and Tell are so great, but the quilt with the pink and purple floral design is stunning! Freya is so CUTE! It looks like she is smitten with Michael. Hope Michael is feeling perkier today.

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