It was 66 degrees outside when I got up on Saturday (8/13)…WHOO HOO!!! We had opened up the house before we went to bed and it was very pleasant inside too! My honey made me a smurfy breakfast to start my day:

Michael and Cookie headed out for a walk while I got binding made for QoV #3. As soon as I’m done pressing and move my stuff off of the ironing board, Lucy moves in to soak up all of the warmth:

I got the quilt all cleaned up and off of the frame and trimmed, and started to attach the binding:

I had to stop close to lunchtime because I was just exhausted…so I headed out to the lanair and had the most wonderful nap :~).
When I woke up I finished sewing on the first side, then got it pressed and got my blog out before stitching it down on the second side:

This time, Ethel decided to plop herself down and keep me company:

We had leftovers for dinner and I stitched down the label while we watched DEATH IN PARADISE and so, I have another totally finished quilt:

(Three down and one to go!!!)
*** I’m proud to say that my house doesn’t have any unhealthy snacks in it….because I ate them all!!! ***
Don’t touch my cookies!