I had hoped to get out a blog entry before I left on retreat....but it wasn't to be....so I should have one today and tomorrow!
I had a ton of paperwork/computer stuff to get done Tuesday morning (5/14), and I got through most of it before leaving for my massage….heaven!!! Once home, I continued to work on paperwork until I was finally able to load up a QoV from Scrap Happy:

By then it was almost 4 PM and I headed to the kitchen to make Potato/Corn/Ham Chowder for dinner…we gave away a couple of quarts to the neighbors and it was yummy for dinner, and Michael was picked up shortly after eating to go to the movies (THE FALL GUY) while I knit the night away.
Michael was up and out before 9 AM for golf on Wednesday (5/15), and I headed to the studio to set up the program and get my bobbins wound and kick off quilting on the QoV. I liked the STARS and LOOPS pattern I had to re-find for my last customer, that I used it again:

Check out these 3 inch HST blocks from June…they are CRAZY TINY!!!!!:

She had many of them in the quilt! I quilted all day and finally finished off this quilt so that I could take it into Scrap Happy on Thursday for binding.
I also continued to work on Teal Splendor, and got my first 2 rows put together:

Thursday (5/16) was quilting with Scrap Happy…..BG, check this out….Janet:

is also crazy about purple (I know it doesn't look it....but that machine is lavendar):

And remember when we brought all of that stuff in for the ‘’free table’’ and you said it looked like ants, when you drop ice cream? Well, it happened again…and from the expression on her face, Kathy must have scored something great:

We had lovely show and tell:

and the rest of the day was spent packing up everything else I needed to get ready to leave Friday morning for a retreat in Hillsboro, NC.
I take my wife everywhere, but she keeps finding her way back.
I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary. She said: "Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!" So I suggested the kitchen. ***
That quilt with those tiny squares...awesome!
Kathy was one busy 🐝 bee!!
Teal splendor is beautiful! And a lavender machine…so cool!!