We were up very late Saturday night, so slept in on Sunday (1/29) and got a very late start to a smurfy breakfast:
-doesn't that just look like the most perfect waffle???

I finally hit the studio at 1 PM, ready to load up another quilt:

I got that done and set up a simple pattern and kicked it off:

I worked on it all afternoon and by a late dinnertime, it was done:

We had pizza for dinner and used our PASSPORT to go back to season 1 of Vienna Blood for episodes 3 & 4 in the evening.
Michael's been working on a Valentine's Day card for AJ, and it's finally ready to go in the mail:

*** When you die…people cry and beg for you to come back….but…when you do…there’s the running and the screaming ***
Are you reading ”The Christmas Bookshop”
Love the card Michael 🙂