Michael was up and out early for golf on Wednesday (9/6) and I got a load of laundry in before SKYPE-ing with Janice. After we finished up, I headed across the street for a massage (heaven!) and then did a few errands on the way home. I spent some time in the kitchen after that... I had yoghurt fermeting in the crockpot overnight, so I put that together in grab-n-go containers:

You know....I'm so glad I started making yoghurt for Michael. We used to buy non-cow's milk yoghurt (because he is somewhat lactose intolerant) and that was fine...until the selection went down to almost nothing...and the prices sky-rocketed...and I said ''that's it...I'll learn to make it for you myself''...and it couldn't be easier. The hands on time is about 25 minutes over 2 days....and to quote Ina Garten ''how easy is that?!?!''
We were out of bread, and wanted to have 'mater sammiches again, so I got bread dough made:

and headed downstairs to get a few things done. Michael called down to tell me that my timer went off (for the first rise in the dough), and I was in the middle of something, so told him I'd be right up. Well, of course I forgot for a bit...and by the time I finally made it upstairs, the dough was practically overflowing the bowl:

If your dough is going to over rise, this is when to have it happen....NOT when you have shaped it into whatever it's going to be. If it over rises then, it could collapse once you put it in the oven....and even if that doesn't happen, your texture will not be good. If that happens it would be much better to punch it down and shape it again.
Anyway, by the time the bread was baked and cooled:

we had that perfect summer dinner again….’mater sammiches (on the freshest of bread) and corn…..it was OUTSTANDING!!! We traded the second loaf for some garden tomatoes!!!
It's a good thing I got my mixer cleaned right after dinner as I made rolls at 10 PM so that they would rise overnight in the fridge and be ready for quilting on Thursday:

Thursday (9/7) was all about quilting show and tell:

and food (our monthly luncheon, the first Thursday of every month):

-this was a watermelon ice cream cake!

When I came home from quilting I was absolutely exhausted, so I took a nap for an hour!! When I got up, I joined my honey and we spent the rest of the day and evening together….just talking…eventually eating dinner…and watching TV. A very unproductive day on my part, but oh well…
*** Woke up this morning thinking of all of the things I was going to accomplish today….and then I laughed and laughed and flipped my pillow to the cool side. ***
PS... What's the dessert with the rainbow sprinkles on top ?
Does the crock pot yoghurt recipe only make 6 containers ?
Love seeing the show n tell... especially when there's FOOD. I should plan my next trip on the first Thursday of the month. ;)
Love June's quilt.
Mater sandwiches on home-made bread...priceless ! (except for the Dukes mayo that you probably put on it !) 😆
WOW!!!! The quilts and all of the food look absolutely fabulous! Everything looks so scrumptious. I love all of the table runners, especially the one with the gingerbread elves and the one with all of the tiny squares of floral fabric. Are the two quilts with all of the children on them, appliqued? So much talent!
Quilts and food, what could be better?